Sunday, January 18, 2015

Baby workout after the accident

4 Rounds for time:

11 burpees
22 push ups
33 sit ups
44 air squats

Took it very easy- took about 16:00

The GHD accident... and my man traps that saved me.

After a great meeting at Asheville Middle School for the IRL program and Iron Girls, I came back to the gym to get a workout in before lunch. As usual, I was hurrying and had a lot on my mind- I have my hand in many fires right now between grad school, Iron Girls, CFA, and being a mommy to a very spirited 6 year old. So, I quickly changed and began my warm up routine:
2 rounds not for time:
20 cals on the AD
15 Hip extensions
10 push ups
10 pull ups
10 lunges
10 PVC pass throughs
10 OHS with PVC

On round 2 as I jumped on the GHD, I placed my right foot in and was bringing my left foot up as I pushed back in to the sit up. My right foot then slipped out before my left foot was in and I crashed into the metal stand below with my neck hyperextended. I saw stars and was extremely disoriented. Fortunately there was a gym full of people who immediately called 911- I was collared and transported to the ER. After some waiting and testing, I was released with a minor concussion and bruising. The next day I had  memory recall issues that resolved pretty quickly. I cannot express to you how scary this was - it happened in the blink of an eye on a piece of equipment I use every day. In coaching I often tell clients to "move deliberately", meaning to be in the moment and focused on training. Clearly this is advice I also need to heed. Thankfully this could have been much worse and I am so fortunate to be strong and resilient. Onward, with purpose and diligence. 

January 18th- Sunday

Sunday- my first "real" workout after the "accident"

5 Rounds of for max reps of:
1 min of Strict Pull ups 8, 10, 10, 10, 11= 49

1 min of DB Hang Squat Clean Thrusters, 50/35-Used 25# 9, 10, 10, 10, 11= 50
1 min of Row for Calories 8, 9, 10, 10, 12=49
1 min of Bench Press, 135/95- 
Used 75# 8, 11, 10, 11, 11= 51
1 min of Rest

Tuesday January 13- row repeats, again and 20 MU for time

1. Conditioning
5min Row, 2:30 rest
4 min Row, 2:00 rest (918m)
3 min Row, 1:30 rest (699m)
2 min Row, 1 min rest (476m)
1 min Row (265m)
Averaged 2:05 pace
2. 20-Rep Benchmark
20 Muscle ups for time
13:00 BMU

Monday January 12- more thrusters

1. Conditioning
21 – 15 – 9:
Thruster (95/65)
Front Squat (95/65)
Wall Ball (20/14)
2. Barbell Conditioning
9 Power Snatches, 135/95- used 75, should have used 65#
15 Power Cleans, 135/95
21 Jerks, 135/95- made it through 12 with 75#
Max Reps of OHS, 135/95- none
Score is number of OHS
3. Strength
2×10 Back Squat
legs were smoked- used 95#

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Saturday Suckfest

1. Conditioning
20-16-12-8 of:
Power Snatch, 95/65
Thruster, 95/65

19:02- ouch

But then had this for lunch and a LONG nap-

Friday DL, PP, and OHS

1. Conditioning3 RFT:
15 Deads, 245/165
15 Dumbbell Push Press, 50/35
9:35- took my time
2. Strength
5×5 Overhead Squats
65, 85, 95, 105, 115- had more in the tank
3. Skills
Odd: 10 Overhead Squats, 95/65
Even: 50 Double unders