Thursday, February 27, 2014

10 minute EMOM, 100 DU and 50 WB for time

A. 10 minute EMOM
     10 x Axle walking lunge 75#
     10 x Axle S2O 75#
This got spicy but did UB

Rest 8-10 minutes

B.  100 DU for time
UB 57s

rest 3 minutes

C.  50 WB for time
1:40- did 10, 10, 10, 5, 6, 9

Then did the class WOD just for fun:

10 minute AMRAP:

Power cleans 95#
box jumps

1 round + 51 reps

D. Airdyne 10 minutes Z1

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

21 min EMOM

21 minute EMOM 

Min 1= 1 Snatch 95#

Min 2= 5 deficit HSPU (8" deficit)

Min 3= 7 strict T2B

Snatch grip press 3x6- no time today

Day 37

Day 37

A.    Establish a challenging Hang Snatch + Snatch (hang snatch will be just below the knee, this is not TnG so on the full snatch focus on a strong sweep back off the floor: the purpose and focus on the hang snatch is to allow the bar to get to Position 1 when the torso is perfectly vertical with the heels still down)

95 x 2, 100 x 1- only did one attempt at 100, hit the hang, failed on the full.  Called it too early.

B.    Establish a 1 RM Handstand Walk for distance

C.    “Maryish”
    10 MIN AMRAP
    5 Deficit Handstand Push Up (challenging deficit but unbroken)
    10 Pistols
    15 C2B Pull up

5 rounds + 3 HSPU

Sunday, February 23, 2014

DL joker sets- Day 36

A.    Deadlift **Including last cycle’s data/ put today’s numbers in different color next to red
    65% x 5 (if these sets feel light thats ok, they’re supposed to)130 x 5 135 x 5
75% x 5 (if these sets feel light thats ok, they’re supposed to) 150 x 5 155 x 5
85% x 5+ (AMRAP -1 or 2) 170 x 5 then 170 x 11 175 x 5, then 175 x 12 (I did it again!!!)) Clearly I’m learning disabled.
.    2)    go up from .05% from 85% as long as you feel you can confidently hit a set of 5
(this may mean 1 additional set of 5, it may mean 2 or 3)
after last set of 5, we go up .05% of most recent set of 5 and hit singles
180 x 5  185 x 5
190 x 5  195 x 5
200 x 5  205 x 5

3)    You do a single as long as you know you can confidently hit it, and jumps are     
always .05% if you feel you cannot hit .05% increase, then you stop :) (i.e. heavy, not maximal)
210 x 1 215 x 1- shut it down here- it was slooooowwwww.  Felt much worse than it looked.

220 x 1

B.        Establish a 5RM Push Press
105 x 5- could have gone heavier but absorbing on newly tattooed shoulder was uncomfortable to say the least.
C.        GH Raise 3 x 10 (add load as able)
        9#, 18#, 20# all by 10

Accumulate 2 min Stele Planks
1:00, :30, :30

Gigantic catch up! Don't hate, I've been busy.

Day 6

A. Deadlift            180# 5x5     Done.  Felt heavy.
                Rest 3 min btwn sets

B. Push Press         5x3
105 across

C.  w/ Becca (if Becca is not in the gym than work rest 1:1)


7:41- did the first 30 as regular then had to switch to inverse burpees- did with Hadley, she did ½ the reps
Work:Rest Amber: Becca (i.e. Amber does 30 burpees while Becca rests and then switch)

D. Back Extension        3x8 (unloaded)


A.    Snatch (from below knee)        3x5 (moderate-heavy)
        Rest as needed between sets
70, 75, 80

B.    Snatch (from the hip)            5x3 (HEAVY!)
        Rest as needed
75, 80, 85, 90. 95

C.     100 Double Under Buy In
        Wall Ball (Open Standards)
UB 6:00

D.    3x10 Front Rack Box Step Up (Alternating) (add load as able; tough)
Forgot to do this!

Day 8

A.    Pendlay Row 3x 10    

B.    30 MIN Partner AMRAP- Done all UB
240 meter SandBag run while partner is in FLR on rings
12 Thrusters while partner is on Dip bar in support position
8 Burpee onto 45# plate partner holds chin up

Day 9

A.    Establish a heavy Clean-
no more than 6 working attempts! Ok to match old 1-RM if you’re feeling good!
135- 10# under PR

B.    10 MIN AMRAP
    3 HSPU- UB
    6 Power Clean 105#- singles
    9 C2B Pull Ups- 4, 3, 2 mostly- more challenging than I thought they would be
5+2 reps

Let’s talk strategy before you do this :)
Program follow up based on results, how you’re feeling, and making goals as we look forward :)

Day 10

** percentages are based off of 90% of 1RM- 175#

    Back Squat
A.    1)    65% x 5 (if these sets feel light thats ok, they’re supposed to)- 115
75% x 5 (if these sets feel light thats ok, they’re supposed to)- 130
85% x 5+ (AMRAP -1 or 2)- 150 x 4
.    2)    go up from .05% from 85% as long as you feel you can confidently hit a set of 5
(this may mean 1 additional set of 5, it may mean 2 or 3)
after last set of 5, we go up .05% of most recent set of 5 and hit singles

3)    You do a single as long as you know you can confidently hit it, and jumps are     
always .05% if you feel you cannot hit .05% increase, then you stop :) (i.e. heavy, not maximal)155, 160, F at 170

    4)    Perform 3x10 at the same weight that was your 65% x 5- 115

B.    Weighted Box Jumps 6 sets x 4 reps (add height as able; stick with same weight vest weight across but record # used)  28# vest- made it to 3 jerk blocks high

C.    Sled Drag Accumulate 4 x 40 meters
        *notes about weight: you should have a load on the sled that enables constant movement but heavy slow steps, i.e. you shouldn’t be able to sprint, step through the whole of the foot not just the forefoot (you’ll use the weight belt to hook up to the sled and ill show you how to get set up!) 60#

D.     Muscle Up Practice 5x1

Day 11

A.    AMRAP Wall Ball    x 2 Minutes

B.    Weighted Strict Pull Ups + ME UB Strict Pull Up x4x3+ME (place DB between your legs for 3 then drop for ME set)  (add weight as able)

C.    12 MIN EMOM
    5/arm KB Snatch (tough)
    10 Axle Walking Lunge (tough; 60#?)

Day 12

A.    1)    65% x 5 (if these sets feel light thats ok, they’re supposed to)130 x 5
75% x 5 (if these sets feel light thats ok, they’re supposed to) 150 x 5
85% x 5+ (AMRAP -1 or 2) 170 x 5 then 170 x 11
.    2)    go up from .05% from 85% as long as you feel you can confidently hit a set of 5
(this may mean 1 additional set of 5, it may mean 2 or 3)
after last set of 5, we go up .05% of most recent set of 5 and hit singles
180 x 5
190 x 5
200 x 5

3)    You do a single as long as you know you can confidently hit it, and jumps are     
always .05% if you feel you cannot hit .05% increase, then you stop :) (i.e. heavy, not maximal)
210 x 1
220 x 1

B.    2 RFT @ 85%
    Row                    x 1000 meters
    Burpee Over Rower            x 14 @ 14# x 10”
    Snatch                    x 80-90#
14:52 at 90#

Day 13

A.    Snatch Drop    5x2
35, 45, 55, 60, 65

(no dip drive; just drop; focus on a) elbows straight down to start b) aggressive feet c) vertical displacement i.e. pull butt and hamstrings straight down, not forward)

B.    Snatch Grip Press (21X1)    3x6
50, 65, 60 all by 6

C.    50 Wall Ball For Time 1:41

    Rest 3 minutes

    5 MIN AMRAP (Goal: PUSH!)
    8 x DB Push Press (load; heavy)
    8 x DB Front Squat (load; heavy) ;)
    8 x Burpee
3 rounds + 3 reps

Day 14

A.    Back Squat

** percentages are based off of 90% of 1RM

A.    70% x 3 (if these sets feel light thats ok, they’re supposed to)- 120 x 3
80% x 3 (if these sets feel light thats ok, they’re supposed to)- 140 x 3
90% x 3+ (AMRAP -1 or 2) 155 x 3
.    go up from .05% from 90% as long as you feel you can confidently hit a set of 3
(this may mean 1 additional set of 3, it may mean 2 or 3)
after last set of 3, we go up .05% of most recent set of 3 and hit singles- no sets of 3, 160 x 1, had to bail on 165, I think we need to adjust the numbers- it feels soooo heavy

-You do a single as long as you know you can confidently hit it, and jumps are always .05% if you feel you cannot hit .05% increase, then you stop :) (i.e. heavy, not maximal)

B.    Establish a 1-RM Seated Box Jump w/ spotter to insure no backwards fall towards box (eyes forward, torso up) 33”

C.    Sled Drag Accumulate 4 x 40 meters 45# plate + Stele
        *notes about weight: you should have a load on the sled that enables constant movement but heavy slow steps, i.e. you shouldn’t be able to sprint, step through the whole of the foot not just the forefoot (you’ll use the weight belt to hook up to the sled and ill show you how to get set up!)

Day 15

A.    Wide Grip C2B (pronated)     3 x 10 (reduce load as able on gravitron) this shit’s hard!!!
100, 80, 70# assist all x 10
B.    HSPU (kipping) x 35 For time- 1:11, 28 + 7
        Rest 3 minutes
Against a 10 Minute Running Clock (@ 0:00) **MUST PROTECT GRIP HERE; recommend tape!
            Row                    x 1 K @ 90%
            Establish in remaining time  (i.e. rest as you need in remaining time)
Axle Thruster x 8 RM    (NTE 4 attempts)- 90#
    Against a 10 Minute Running Clock @ (15:00)
Row                    x 1 K @ 90%
Establish in remaining time  (i.e. rest as you need in remaining time)           
ME UB Axle Walk Lunge  x for distance #55    186’

Day 16

A.    Clean        7 x 1 Eccentric Deadlift + Clean (8 sec tempo down=2 sec to lower to the knee, 2 sec at the knee, 2 sec from knee to weights just hovering above the floor, 2 sec pause with weights hovering just above floor) **feel weight shift from the heel with bar at the knee, to the weight shifting on to the mid foot with weights hovering above ground, then try to reverse the process as weight shifts back into the heel coming up and as knees get out of the way       
85, 95, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125

B.    Pendlay Row    3x 10 (keep hips fixed in place; slightly wider grip)
55, 65, 70

C.    5 Rounds

30 Double Unders
3 bar muscle up

Rest 1 minute
1st 2 rounds didn't rest-  rounds all took 2-2:20 with 3rd BMU being limiter

    +Cash out
3 x 5 1-hanging leg raise + 2 sec L-sit hold+ legs back into tuck sit+ lower legs all the way down (5 reps without touching back down to the floor: tempo is legs crunch up, knees extend and toes point in l-sit for 2 sec, legs are brought back in, legs lower)
        rest 2 min

SORRY AMBER!,will finalize the week tomorrow :) !!

Day 17

A.    Deadlift    5x5 180# (first 2 sets feelstrong, finish remaining 3 at 185#; if not feeling it then don’t push it)
        Rest 3 minutes
180x2, 185x3

B.    Establish a ME UB L-sit
51 seconds

C.    For time
    Sh20H + Box Step Up 65# (Alternating; Bar in front rack position: tempo: off the box you perform 1 Sh2Oh bring bar back down plus a step up onto the box with one leg, not a double box step up=1 rep)
    Hands Release Push ups


Last squat day was 4 days ago, right?

Pre-back Squat Muscle Up Practice 5x1

A.    Back Squat 5 x 3 ; 3 sec pause in bottom  *include video of last set **take percentages of 180# *let’s see how ~70% feels- 130

(down confidently and quickly; goal here is to not ease into the depth, but to find that rock bottom right away)

B.     Seated Box Jump         7x  (eyes up, chest up feet come off the ground as arms propel you forward)         right back up once you get down (though do take a sec to set yourself)            Goal is at or above 32”- worked up to 36”

C.    Backwards Sled Drags (will feel these more in your quadriceps) 3 x 60 feet @ 90-100#
90# x 2, 100X 1
D.     Glute Ham Raise        3x8 (unloaded)
done x 8

+    12 min PRACTICE: movements that are fun and that make you happy :)
            i.e.     Pistols
                HS walk
                Triple Unders

Day 19

A.    Weighted Pull Up    8 sets x 2 reps (allow to get very heavy, and keep grip varied!!)
10# pronated, mixed and mixed, 15# p, m x 2, s, 20# s
B.    Wide Grip C2B (pronated)     2 x 10 (reduce load as able on gravitron)
-60#, 50, 40
C.    Steep Ring Row (deficit with feet elevated if able; add weight vest if able) (22X1) x 8
elevated feet, no vest all by 8

Row 750 m
3 wall walk
15 GHD Sit Ups
10 KBS @ 24 kg
Row 500 meters
4 wall walk
15 GHD Sit Ups
15 KBS
Row 250 meters
5 wall walk
15 GHD Sit Ups
20  KBS


Happy/ minimal fatigue although seem to be getting a cold/ 8 hours of sleep, not super deep since the separation but getting better :)

Day 20

Jumped in on Shanna’s workout:

Practiced C&J from the ground- hadn’t really jerked heavy since the toe so this felt good.  Worked up to 130- definitely felt if more in the clean than the jerk.  

8 minute EMOM of 2 push jerks at 105#

12 minute AMRAP:

25 DU
10 sit ups
10 walking lunges
10 BE
10 unloaded BSU 20”

8 rounds + 3 DU, Shanna got 8 rounds + 7 DU

Happy mood/ feeling tired- training at noon w/o food/ 8 hours sleep

Day 21

A.    Establish a 1 RM Snatch (try for no power snatchery ;))

B.    Snatch Grip RDL    3 x 10 (moderate-heavy)

C.    Tabata (alternating)
    Stone to Shoulder 60#
    Double Unders

Day 22

A.    Back Squat    5x5 @ 125-130# (film last set)
        rest 3 min btwn sets
B1.    BTN Press 3 x 8 45, 55, 60
        Rest 1 min
B2.    Split squat (20X1) 3 x 8 (moderate; holding DBs in each hand)
    20, 25, 25 all by 8

Rest at least 10 minutes

C.    7 Rounds   
    DB Snatch x 6 40-45#
    Sprint    40 meters x2
    Rest 3 minutes
46s (zach was talking to me:), 35, 34, 33, 35, 34, 32

Day 23

A.    Muscle Up Practice 5x1

B.    1)    70% x 3 (if these sets feel light thats ok, they’re supposed to)140 x 3
80% x 3 (if these sets feel light thats ok, they’re supposed to) 160 x 3
90% x AMRAP -1 or 2 180 x
.    2)    go up from .05% from 90% as long as you feel you can confidently hit a set of triples
(this may mean 1 additional set of 3, it may mean 2 or 3)
190 x 3
200 x 3
210 x 3 PR
after last set of 5, we go up .05% of most recent set of 3 and hit singles

3)    You do a single as long as you know you can confidently hit it, and jumps are     
always .05% if you feel you cannot hit .05% increase, then you stop :) (i.e. heavy, not maximal)
220- nope- I dug so deep on the last set of 3 I just didn’t have anything left.

C.    Forwards Sled Drags 3 x 60 feet @ 80-100# 90#

D.    Skill Practice
    EMOM 10 MIN
    even: Shoulder Touches x 14 (easier if belly is facing the wall)- faced out- so fun!  Tried a few freestanding
    odd: Pistols x 12 Alternating_UB

Day 24

A.    10 MIN AMRAP @ 85%
    Squat Clean     x 3 115#
    Walking Lunge x 30 meters
    C2B Pull Up x 12 *It’s ok if these are not pronated
3 rounds + 3 reps + 30 meters
    Rest 5 minutes

    10 MIN AMRAP @ 85 %
    Double Under x 50
    GHD Sit up x 15
    HSPU x 15
3 rounds + 65 reps
Day 25

A1. Establish a 5 RM Overhead Squat
105- 1 RM is 120, felt really heavy today

A2. Snatch Grip Press (21X1)    35-40# x 8-10

B.    EMOM 21 minutes
1st min Ring Dips x 6-8    6,2/ 5, 3/ 6, 2/6, 2/ 5,3/ 6, 2/ 5, 3
2nd min: KB Snatch 3/arm (tough) 45# for all
    3rd min:  Box Jump 24” x 20 sec- 10, 11, 12, 12, 14, 17, 10

Day 26

A.    3 Rounds    Wide Grip C2B 3x10 (reduce load as able)

B.    3 Rounds    Barbell Row (22X1)
55, 60, 65

C.    6 Rounds    Ski Urg x 25 sec hard
                  x 45 sec @ 45%
    Hollow rocks

Day 27

A.    Take 10-12 Minutes Practicing the Log Clean x Build to a tough x 8 (keep it close as hell, and keep the chin down:)  think of it as a hang=it will only return to the lap, not to the floor

B.    Establish a 1-RM Weighted Box Jump
32” w/ 28# vest
C.    EMOM 12 MIN
    EVEN: Pistols x 10 Alternating
    ODD Wall Walk x 3 (2 sec pause at top)

Day 28

A.    Split Jerk
    EMOM 10 MIN
    Split Jerk x 2 @ 85% (Can start at 80%, and can move up but not exceed 85% Imagine if a great white shark did a split jerk, however fast it would move its feet, thats how fast you should focus on moving yours)  

I was definitely a shark :)  
115, 115, 115, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 125

B.    Muscle Up 5x1

B.    3 RFT
    Row 250 meters
    10 Power Cleans 95#
10 Lateral Burpees Over the Bar


Day 29

A.    Back Squat
    Establish a heavy x 5 goal: 145-155 (10 rep range based on how warm up feels)
145x5, 155x4
B.    Forward Sled Drag Accumulate 3 x 60 feet
        *notes about weight: you should have a load on the sled that enables constant movement but heavy slow steps, i.e. you shouldn’t be able to sprint, step through the whole of the foot not just the forefoot (you’ll use the weight belt to hook up to the sled and ill show you how to get set up!)

C.    GH Raise 3x8 (unloaded)
D.    6 Rounds
    30 Double Under + Sprint 50 m x 2
    Rest 3:min

:33, :32, :30, :30, :30, :30

Day 30

A.    21 MIN EMOM
    1st: 1 x Snatch 90# (can go up to 95# after first 4 rounds of snatches if no misses, or if feeling very confident)
85x1, 90x4, 95x2
    2nd 2 x Bar Muscle Up
1 F
    3rd 5 x Deficit HSPU (tough; deficit has challenging as you can consistently hit 5 smoothly without too much pause in bottom)
6” deficit, ub

B.    Snatch Grip Press (21X1)    3x6
45, 55, 60

C.     GHD Sit Up 3x12 10# WB

Day 31

A.    Deadlift
75% x 5 155x5
85% x 3 170x3
95% x AMRAP -1 190x7
200, 210, 220

-You do a single as long as you know you can confidently hit it (***no additonal 5s or 3s today!), and jumps are always .05% if you feel you cannot hit .05% increase, then you stop :) (i.e. heavy, not maximal) remember that the goal is not to PR here! That may potentially happen if you’re feeling remarkable but considering the AMRAP -1 I’d consider it a huuge win if we got about 90% of actual 1RM

B.    Tall Box Jump         7x (rest ~5 sec btwn jumps) R: 1 min btwn sets

C.    Weighted Bar Dip  5 x 2 (add load as able)
20, 20, 20, 20, 20

D.    Farmer Carry x 30 meters; Establish a Max
    105# per arm

Day 32

A.    EMOM 16 MIN
    Even: 4 x Bench Press (heavy, but not maximal: can adjust weight as EMOM progresses Please find a spotter)
85x1, 90x5, 85x2
    Odd: 2 x Rope Climb
    Rest to recover (NTE 5 min)

    10 x Thruster 65#
    10 x Burpee Over Bar
Holy shit, I thought I was going to die.   2 rounds + 2 reps

    Rest 1 min

    3 MIN AMRAP -
    10 x Weighted Sit Up
    20 x Double Under
6 rounds + 3 DU

    Rest to recover
    Accumulate 2 min Hollow Rock rest 15 sec btwn efforts
1 minute, 10 sec, 20 sec, 15 sec, 15 sec

MU practice- 4 x 1 with bent arms

Day 33 Goal is to be slightly heavier in each section than last week! you got this!!

A.    Back Squat    5x5 @ 125-130# (last week was 125-goal for this week is 130 if you’re feeling good!)
        rest at least 3 min btwn sets
130- felt really good :)
B1.    BTN Press 3 x 8 last week highest weight was 60
        Rest 1 min
55x8, 60x8, 65x7
B2.    Split squat (20X1) 3 x 8 (moderate; holding DBs in each hand) last week highest weight was 25
30x8 for all

Day 34

A1..    3 Rounds    Wide Grip C2B 3x10 (reduce load as able)  # do you remember assistance last week?

+60 for all

A2.    3 Rounds    Barbell Row (22X1) 6 reps
last week best =65 (look to improve slightly if able)

60, 65, 70

B.    Run x 200 meters
    Stone to Shoulder #80 x AMRAP 60 seconds
    Rest as long as biofeedback tells you
    Run x 400 meters
    Stone to Shoulder #80 x AMRAP 60 seconds
Rest as long as biofeedback tells you
    Run x 800 meters
    Stone to Shoulder #80 x AMRAP 60 seconds
    *Will need lots of feedback on how this felt at different times and where

6 reps for each- was hard to breathe and my quads burned. Biofeedback said no resting.  Clearly I need to push harder.

C.    Mandatory time (Not to be less than 15 minutes)
HS walk- p bars- so fun.
    (i.e. triple unders, hs walk, uneven bars etc…)

Day 35
Goal: slightly heavier than before
A.    7 x 1 Establish a heavy  Clean + Front Squat; Rest as needed btwn attempts
120, 120, 125, 125, 125, 130, 135 (video)

B.    @ 85%: Goal is quality of movement with smooth transitions
Row 1 K
    Wall Walk x 6
    Front Squat #85 x 21
    Farmer Carry 45# x 40 meters (moderate-heavy; should be UB)
    Row 750 meters
    Wall Walk x 4
    Front Squat #85 x 15
    Farmer Carry x 40 meters
    Row 500 meters
    Wall Walk x 2
    Front Squat #75 x 9
    Farmer Carry x 40 meters 
 ~18:00 - timer stopped, ugh....