Sunday, February 23, 2014

DL joker sets- Day 36

A.    Deadlift **Including last cycle’s data/ put today’s numbers in different color next to red
    65% x 5 (if these sets feel light thats ok, they’re supposed to)130 x 5 135 x 5
75% x 5 (if these sets feel light thats ok, they’re supposed to) 150 x 5 155 x 5
85% x 5+ (AMRAP -1 or 2) 170 x 5 then 170 x 11 175 x 5, then 175 x 12 (I did it again!!!)) Clearly I’m learning disabled.
.    2)    go up from .05% from 85% as long as you feel you can confidently hit a set of 5
(this may mean 1 additional set of 5, it may mean 2 or 3)
after last set of 5, we go up .05% of most recent set of 5 and hit singles
180 x 5  185 x 5
190 x 5  195 x 5
200 x 5  205 x 5

3)    You do a single as long as you know you can confidently hit it, and jumps are     
always .05% if you feel you cannot hit .05% increase, then you stop :) (i.e. heavy, not maximal)
210 x 1 215 x 1- shut it down here- it was slooooowwwww.  Felt much worse than it looked.

220 x 1

B.        Establish a 5RM Push Press
105 x 5- could have gone heavier but absorbing on newly tattooed shoulder was uncomfortable to say the least.
C.        GH Raise 3 x 10 (add load as able)
        9#, 18#, 20# all by 10

Accumulate 2 min Stele Planks
1:00, :30, :30

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