Saturday, June 28, 2014

Sumo DL, conditioning, and clean complex PR

Day 121

A. Sumo DL 205# 15 Mintues
8(video), 6

21 minute EMOM
30s shoulder touches- 25, 26, 21, 32, 30, 32, 34
5 x KB snatch at 53#
8 x 30” box jumps

AD  @ 50% for 10 minutes

Day 122

A little conditioning

12 minute AMRAP:
30’ HS walk
10 walking lunges
10 T2B
200m run
5 rounds

Day 123

A.  Clean  complex-  clean + FS + Jerk

B. 3 rounds for time:
1 MU
50 air squats
800 m run


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Catch up

Day 117

A. Front Squat
Establish a heavy single  160
1 Round
90% x 1 145
95% x1 150
100% x 1 155

B. Pronated Strict C2B Pullup 120#-Max 8 Minutes
1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
C. Yoke Front Rack Carry 165# -Max 8 Minutes
50m, 50m, 100m
D. Paused Overhead Squat 90# -Max 10 Minutes
10 UB
E. Ski Urg 250m Max 6 Minutes
Nope. Not today.

Day 118
3-4 Rounds

A1. 1-arm DB High Pull 25#-Max 6 Minutes/arm
L- 20 short, 30# 11, 11
R- 20 short, 30# 14, 12
A2. Sumo Good Morning #105-Max Time 10 Minutes
10, 9, 9 short after each
A3. Axle Overhead Carry #100-Max Time 8 Minutes
100m, 75m, 100m
A4. AD 60s
30 cals, 25, 23

Day 119

A.  Snatch Triples (blocks with bar below knee) @ 75% x 5-6 sets (also use biofeedback) I'm curious what it shows with this
6 sets- not short until last set

30 Minute
B1. 1-arm FC, 100#
L- 75m, 75m, 100m
R- 75m, 50m, 75m
B2. Bench Press 95#
2, 3+2, 4

B3. Sled pull with 150# added
25m, 50m, 25m

Day 120

30 Minutes

A1. Paused Front Squat 90#
10 @ 95#, 10 @ 105, 3 @ 115- short after each
A2. BTN Press 55#
12, 11, 11
A3. Burpee Box Jump Overs in 60 seconds (best from last time was 12 reps)
13, 14, 13
A4. Sandbag Run x 200 meters (heavy)

200m, 200m, 200m

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Sumo DL, PP, MU practice


A. Sumo DL 190#
10, 7, 6

B. Push Press 105#
8, 7

C. Sprint 400m
30 minute time cap

MU practice


Got it right away :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Snatch breakthrough!

Today I had a huge breakthrough with snatch work- very exciting.  Finally hitting position 3.  You can hear Zach's excitement.

Then conditioning:

A. : 4 Minutes Turkish Get-ups  (AMRAP - Reps)
AMRAP Turkish Get-ups in 4 Minutes
Alternate arms
NTE 24/16kg.
17 reps
Rest 2 minutes b/w A & B.
B. : Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP in 4 Minutes:

4 Slammer to Shoulder -alternating Light to Moderate NTE 50/30lbs- Used 60#

6 Squats w/Slammer on Shoulder (3/side)- 60#

8 Box Jumps NTE 24/20"- Used 24" box

Sunday, June 15, 2014

DL, strict HSPU, S2S

Day 116

A. Deadlift 205# Max Work/Rest 15 Minutes
10, 5 then short, 5

B. Strict HSPU Bodyweight Max Work/Rest 8 Minutes
8, 5, 5  short after each
C. Accumulate 10 Minutes on Airdyne @ 80%
Every 2 Minutes Perform
Squat Clean (low blocks) x 125 x 3

This was harder than I thought.

Day 117
3 rounds when short, move to next exercise, if not short go right back to 60 second effort
A. Stone to Shoulder 80# in 60 seconds
12, 10, 10

   Burpee Box Jump Over in 60 seconds
12, 13, 13
   Airdyne in 60 seconds
17, 18, 17 cals
   1-arm Waiter's Squat #65

L- 5, 6, 4
R- 4, 4, 3

Short after each

Friday, June 13, 2014


A. 2 arm FC, 125# per arm = 250#
20m, 20m, 30m, 40m

B. Bench Press 85# 8 minutes
10, 7, 5

C. Sled pull with 120# added
70m, 80m, 80m

D. 15 min EMOM (shortened it)

1- 5 C2B (pronated)

2- 30' HS walk

3- 5 ring dips

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

MU success

Day 114

A. Split Squat 70#-Max 8 Minutes/arm
L- 10, 10  No shortening
R- 9, 11  No shortening

B. Snatch (from blocks)
70% x 3- 80
75% x 3- 85
80% x 2- 95

C. BTN Press 65# -Max 8 Minutes
7, 5, 5, 4, 4 short after each

D. MU practice
Got 5 MU

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Back Squat

Day 113
A. Back Squat 145# Max 15 minutes (ROM testing)
4, 4, 4, 4, 3
B.  NG High Pull 60# Max 8 Minutes
10, 20
C.  Sumo Good Morning 90# -Max 8 Minutes
10, 9, 7

C. 1-arm Overhead Carry 50#-Max 6 Minutes/ar,
200m each arm, no shortening

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Snatch conundrum, EMOM, more yoke and a MAP

Day 110
A.    Snatch (low blocks) % of 115
      80% x 3 95#
        85% x 2100#
    90% x 1 105#
    95% x 1 110#- nope
         100% x 115 - nope

    10 x Axle Walking Lunge #90
    10 x Axle S2OH #90
at minute 5 I had to switch to 5 every, couldn’t complete reps
C.  4 x 400 m Run- 8 minutes max work/rest
complete- shortened but recovered quickly

Day 111
When you shorten you move on to next side or movement, if you get 20 add weight:)
35 Mintues

A.  Yoke Carry 250#
100m, 100m, 80m, 40m
    Power cleans 125#
Push pressed yesterday
8, 6,  4, 5
    Ski x 200 meter
    1-arm Waiter's Squat 60#
6, 6, 4, 4 both sides shortened after each

Day 112

10 minute AMRAP
12 x Overhead Squat 75# this was challenging
6 x Ring Dip
12 x Box Jump 24"
6 x Continental Clean 95#
3 rounds

Rest 5 Minutes

Ski Urg @ 85% x 5 Minutes (Cals)

Rest 5 Minutes

8 x burpee C2b (pronated)
40 x double Under
25 x wall ball
200 x meter Run
2 rounds + 4 C2B