Saturday, May 31, 2014

1.25 FS and DL PR

Day 95

A. 1.25 Front Squat 120#-Max Time 15 Minutes
10 (4,3,3)

B. NG High Pull 70#-Max Time 10 Minutes
C. 1-arm DB Press 30#-Max Time 6 Minutes/arm
R: 20, L 20

Day 96

A.   Deadlift 200# Max Work/Rest 15Minutes
8, 10, 5- short after each

B.   Split Squat 60# Max Work/Rest 8 Minutes/side
20 on both- short after
C.  8 Rounds Tabata
Double Under
32, 7
31, 10
23, 9 (tripped once)
32, 9
32, 9
31, 10
31, 10
30, 10

D, Sprint 40 x 2 Max Time 8 Minutesi
     no time today

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Murph at Summit at 10am

For Time:
1-Mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Air Squats
1-Mile Run

34:08, last year was 33:35- onward.  

Snatch work and continental cleans

Day 94

A. Snatch (low blocks) % of 115 (with video 80% and 85%)
     75% x 3 85#

   80% x 2 95#

     85% x 1 100#

90% x 1 105#

95% x 1 110#

B. Push Press 80# -Max 10 Min
UB in 60s

C. Continental Clean 110# 60 seconds work-Max 10 Minutes

sets were 4, 5, 5, 4, 6 (video)- short after all

D. Yoke Carry 230# -Max 8 Minutes

Sunday, May 25, 2014


Day 93

A.    Overhead Squat-Establish a 1RM
140- 20# PR

B.    Sumo Good Morning 105# -Max 10 Minutes
Shortened on warm up with 85# so shut it down
C.    Muscle Up Practice- 10 Minutes
Yes!!!!!!  Got a straight arm MU

D.    21-15-9
    Wall Ball 14# to 10’
    Burpee Box Jump 24”

Friday, May 23, 2014

Strict HSPU PR

Day 92

A.    Deadlift         185# Max Work/Rest 12 Minutes
    13, 11 short after each


B.    Strict HSPU         Bodyweight Max Work/Rest 8 Minutes
11, 5, 5, 6 short after each

C.    Accumulate 10 Minutes on Airdyne @ 80%
    Every 2 Minutes Perform
    Squat Clean (low blocks) x 120 x 3
110 (video), 115, 120, 120, 120 (video)


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Some more catch up and a commercial :)

Day 87

A. Back Squat 140# Max 12 minutes (ROM testing)
11, 8, 9, 6, 5 short after each

B.Clean (low blocks) %= 145
    70% x 3 100
    75% x 2 110
    80% x 1 120 (video)

    85% x 1 125

Tuck sit
Accumulate 4 minutes- at every break do 10 strict push ups with a pause hovering over the ground


did 6 sets of push ups


Did an afternoon EMOM with Hadley

20 minute EMOM

Even- 3 power cleans 130#
Odd- 6 high box jumps 30”

Day 88

A. Establish a tough 2 Clean + Jerk
130- push jerk PR
B. Sumo Good Morning  3 x 10 (add load as able; moderately heavy)
65, 85, 95 all by 10
8 DB Front Squat
8 DB Push Press
8 Burpee

Yikes- harder than it looked.  2 rounds + 8 FS + 3 PP  Used 35#

Day 89
Jumped into the class WOD for some cardio :)

AMRAP in 7 minutes:
Double Unders
KBS (NTE 32/24kg)
Alternate b/w DUs & KBS with noted reps for each. If you finish the ladder return to the 40 DUs and continue the pattern until time expires.
Completed 2 rounds
1k row cash out= 4:20

Day 90

A. Snatch (low blocks) % of 115 (with video 80% and 85%)
     70% x 3 80#
     75% x 2 85#
   80% x 1 95#

     85% x 1 100#

90% x 1 105#

10 x Axle Walking Lunge #85
10 x Axle S2OH #85
Ugh- done UB.

C. 4 x 200 m Run :)


Filming for Hanes T-shirt commercial included lots of the cardio :)

Friday, May 16, 2014

Snatch PR and BS PR

Day 86

A. Snatch (low blocks) Establish a Max
115# PR

B. 1-arm DB Press 40# 8 min cap per arm using ROM testing
L 2,3,3,4,3, short after each
R 9, 1, 7 short after each

C. Axle Front Rack Walk Lunge 85# using ROM testing
15, 8, 10, 7 short at end

D. Do something crazy!! Do something crazy!!

Day 87

A. Back Squat 140# Max 12 minutes (ROM testing)
11 PR, 8, 9, 6, 5 short after each

B.Clean (low blocks) %= 145
    70% x 3 100
    75% x 2 110
    80% x 1 120 (video)
    85% x 1 125

Tuck sit
Accumulate 4 minutes- at every break do 10 strict push ups with a pause hovering over the ground


did 6 sets of push ups