Friday, September 5, 2014

MAP 2 10 minute AMRAPS

10 minute AMRAP @ 85%

Row 200m
25 DU
25 shoulder touches
5 rounds

Rest 4 minutes

10 minute AMRAO @ 85%

8 WB (14# to 10' target)
8 T2B
8 bar jump on and over 20"
7 rounds

CGBP, 2, 12 min EMOMs, WB, PCand J, and bar MU wod

A. close grip bench press build to a tough 5
95 x 5, 100 x 4
B. emom – 12mins
odd – Push press TnG x 5 60% of 1rm + 20 DU- 80#
even – CTB chin ups 7-10

C. emom 12mins
odd – HSPU x 8-10 UB
even – pendlay row x 4-5 95#
for time
30 wall balls 20# 10′ target
20 PC and jerk 135/95#
10 MU (did Bar MU singles)
- take your time for A
- speed focus on both emom
- record time on workout

Monday, September 1, 2014

Power Clean TnG PR and Hot Shots 19

Power clean TnG x 3


6 Rounds for time of:
30 Squats
19 Power Cleans, 135# / 95#
7 Strict Pull-ups
400m Run


DL PR and DU and T2B

DL 225# x 4

A. : Fire (Time)

50 Double Unders
10 Toes 2 Bar
40 Double Unders
8 Toes 2 Bar
30 Double Unders
6 Toes 2 Bar
20 Double Unders
4 Toes 2 Bar
10 Double Unders
2 Toes 2 Bar
10 minute cap or rest remaining time left until the 10 minute mark. At exactly 10 minutes begin part B.

B. : 700m Run to Left (Time)

Run the block of the gym turning to the left for time.

FS EMOM and WBs, Burpees and 200m run

EMOMx10: 1 Front Squat, Across

WB (14# to 10') 
200m run after each round

8:50 UB

Team DT

“Team DT”
5 rounds for time of:
12 Dead Lifts, 155/105
9 Hang Power Cleans, 155/105
6 Push Jerks, 155/105
One athlete completes all of  the Deads, HPC and Jerks, then passes off to the other athlete who completes all the reps.  That is one full round.

Rested equal work time.  Total time was 15:45 with Rest.
time per round:
2:19, 2:15, 1:45, 1:45, 1:37

Day 148

A. Snatch Double (low blocks) - Max 12 Minutes

B. 12 Min AMRAP
   350 meter Row
   10 HSPU
   40 Double Under
   25 thrusters 45#
2 rounds + 350m + 10 HSPU + 4 DU

Day 149

A. Back Squat 145#-Max 12 Minutes
5, 4
B. Front Rack Yoke Carry 175#-Max 8 Minutes
80m, 40m
C. 15 Min EMOM
10 x Burpee AFAP- :25
8 x Kipping C2B (pronated)- UB
Airdyne x 30 seconds @ 90%- 12 cals

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday 8/21/14

2015 Regional and Open Athletes

Squat clean 1.1.1
145 PR

1. 3 RFT:
30 Calorie Row
30 KBS, 1.5pood,1pood
30 BJ, 24/20

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Wednesday 8.20.14

1. Jerk
145#- ties PR
3. Accessory Work
With a partner complete 2 rounds of:
20 DeadLifts, 185/135
20 Sumo Deadlifts, 185/135
20 Stiff Leg Deadlifts, 185/135
20 Double Russian KB Swings, 2pood/1.5pood- used 96# KB
One partner completes all 20 reps of a movement while the other rests then switch.

Did 1 round resting equal to work time.  Then did the class wod:
Did 86 reps and 67 cals
Complete 3 Rounds of A1/2: 
A1. : Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
45s 1-arm DB SDHP-alternating - Moderately Tough NTE 55/40lbs.

45s Burpee Box Jump overs (NTE 24/30")

Rest 30s. 
A2. : 90s Row for Calories (3 Rounds for reps)
Complete 3 Rounds.
Rest 3 Minutes b/w A1 & 2. 

Tuesday 8.19.14

Tuesday 8.19.14

1. Cleans:
A. Establish a max set of unbroken TnG Squat Cleans, 165/115
Rest 3 minutes
B. Establish a max set of unbroken TnG Squat Cleans, 185/135
3Rest 3 minutes
C. Establish a max set of unbroken TnG Squat Cleans, 205/145
1No resting on the ground or the hang. Resting in the front rack is OK.
2. “Cement Mixer”
7 rounds
On the 3:00
Run 400m
12 TTB
Record times for every round. Top times will be under 2:00 for all seven rounds.
2:38, 2:35, 2:33, 2:34, 2:36, 2:30, 2:27- all TTB UB

Switch up in training...

Moving to Competitors Training
for a little while.  

Monday 8/18

“The Chief”
5 rounds of:  AMRAP 3:
3 Power Cleans (135/95)
6 Pushups
9 Air Squats
1 minute rest between rounds. Your score is total rounds, only full rounds count.

5 rounds for each.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Clean and EMOM

Day 146
A. Clean, build to a tough double off low blocks
did 140 x 1- feeling fatigued

B. 21 min EMON
30” box jumps x 8
bar MU x 2
BP 85# x 5

Thursday, July 31, 2014

FR Yoke, Power row, BTN thruster, and ski Urg

Day 145

A Front Rack Yoke Walk 185#-Max 10 Minutes
40m, 40m, 60m
B. Power Row 50# - Max 5 Minutes/side
L-10, 7, 6
R- 12, 9
C.  BTN Thruster 80#- Max 6 Minutes
11, 8
D. Ski Urg x 200 Meters- Max 7 Minutes
:51.6, :50.4

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Back to it.

Day 133

A. 1-arm Overhead Carry 60#-Max 8 Minutes/arm
L- 22m, 60m, 60m
R- 60m, 60m, 60m, 60m
B. Snatch Double (blocks; below knees) Previous Max=95#-Max 15 Minutes

C. Split Squat 80# -Max 6 Minutes/Leg
L- 8, 7

Thursday, July 24, 2014

High hang clean double PR

Day 132

A.   High Hang Clean Double- from the blocks
145# x 2, 150# x 1

B. BTN Thruster 60#-Max 8 Minutes
C. 1-arm Waiter’s Squat 60# -Max 6/arm (best reps at this weight was 12)
L- 12, 8
R- 13, 9

Monday, July 21, 2014

Lots of Conditioning at the Beach and the return to training

Went to the beach for a week and did lots of classic CrossFit conditioning- then returned to training today. Clearly I wore myself out...

Day 131

A. Paused Front Squat (use ROM testing before moving up)
105# x Max Reps   10
110# x 5   
(keep adding 5# for singles, while using ROM testing for recovery)
115, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145 x 1
B. Sumo Good Morning 100# -Max 10 Minutes
9- took me 30 minutes to recover so I shut it down for the day
C. BTN Thruster 60#-Max 8 Minutes

D. 1-arm Waiter’s Squat 60# -Max 6/arm (best reps at this weight was 12)

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Catch up and clean and snatch PRs

Day 126

A. A. (From jerk blocks)
   Snatch Balance + OHS
   75% x 3- 90#
   80% x 2- 95#
   85% x 1- 100#
   90% x 1- 105#

B. Sumo DL 210# 12 Mintues
9, 8 (video), 6

20 Mintues

C1. 1-arm FC,80#

C2. Bench Press 75#

Day 127

A1. 1-arm DB High Pull 40%- 30#
L- 16 12
R- 20, 13
A2. Sumo Good Morning #110-Max Time 10 Minutes
A3. Axle Overhead Carry #110-Max Time 8 Minutes
A4. 1-arm Waiters Squat 60#
L- 11
R- 12

Day 128

A. Front Rack Yoke Walk 195#-Max 12 Minutes
40m, 40m
B. Establish a Max Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat
145#, 150# clean PR (video)

C. Kneel Torso Row 45#- 8 Minutes/arm
L- 9, 9
R- 7, 8
D. BTN Press 60#-Max 8 MInutes

Day 129

A. Split Squat 70#-Max 6 Minutes/side
L- 7, 7, 7

R- 12, 10
B. Log Clean 100#-Max 10 MInutes
4, 4, 4

C. 12 Rounds (Alternating=6/side)
Every 90 Seconds
1 Muscle Up (If they fail=3 strict Pronated C2B)
12 x Hip Extension
Couldn’t buy a MU today, so defeated.  
D. Do something silly x 10 Minutes

No time :(

Day 130

A. Establish a max snatch
115#- PR from the floor

B. BTN thruster
9, 10
C. Met-Con

8 minute AMRAP

4 power cleans
8 T2B
12 burpees over the bar

4 rounds