Friday, April 25, 2014

Don't hate me for my catch up

Day 69

A. Establish a heavy Push Press x 1 (if feeling good, go for it)
B. 1-leg Deadlift 3 x 10 (add load as able)
C. 3 Rounds
400 meter Run
30 Front Squats 75#
12 C2B Pull Up

Day 70

A. 8 Min Muscle Up Practice
no fails w/ bent arms

B. 2 s Paused Front Squat 120# x 3 Reps use biofeedback to determine sets, keep reps at 3 though
10 sets

C. For Time
Double Under x 50
Handstand Walk x 40 feet
Box Jump x 30 @ 20”
Log Clean x 20 65#
Burpee x 10 jump to target

Rest 5 Minutes
For Time
Burpee x 10
Log Clean x 15
Box Jump x 20
Handstand Walk x 25 feet
Shuttle Sprint x 300 meters (down and back x 3)

Day 71

A. Farmer Carry’s x 230 (115/arm) use biofeedback ;)
Did in sets if 20m- no shortening.

B. Establish a 3RM Power Clean + Jerk Squat (this is 3 cleans with 1 Squat Jerk; with video)
Worked up to 115#- no video because you were there :)

C. 1-arm DB Press 3 x 10
25, 30, 30 all by 10

D. 4 x 200 m Run :)
Didn't time. Felt good.

Rest as needed between 200s
Day 72

A. 2 x Deficit Snatch DL + 1 Snatch (hover just above da flurrr)
105# like a bawse…(video of 100#)

B. Hmmmm? Rounds

3 Rounds:

60 seconds x Wall Balll 30, 32, 32, 33
Rest 60 Seconds
60 Seconds x Handstand push up  20, 22, 20, 16
Rest 60 seconds
60 Seconds T2B 20, 22, 20, 23

Rest 60 seconds

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