Thursday, October 31, 2013

MAP- I needed it!

500m row warm up


10 min. @ 80%
8 WB (14# to 10' target)
200m row
Rest 4-5 minutes

5 rounds- all UB

10 min at 80%
AD 10 cals
4 CTB pull ups
Rest 4-5 minutes

7 rounds UB @10:02

10 minutes at 80%
1 MU
10 Box jump/ step downs
10 push ups

6 rounds + 1 MU

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Warm up and some gymnastics

Rest day today but I went through the warm up and did several rounds of a gymnastics circuit..

GENERAL Warm up:
2 Rounds not for time of:
200m Run or Row
15 Hip Extensions
10 kipping Pull ups Rd. 1, then butterfly round 2
10 Push ups rd 1, then Ring Dips rd 2
10 Reverse Lunge Reach (alternating Samson Stretch)
10 PVC Pass Throughs
10 air squats
10 light OHS or Wall Facing Squats


20' HS walk
1 MU
10 cals AD

only hit MU in rd. 1- was rushed for time.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

20 min AMRAP+ squat therapy

20 min AMRAP

10 t2r
10 butterfly pull ups
10 wall balls (14# to 10')

7 rounds


10 OHS 45#
10 squat therapy

Monday, October 28, 2013

More C2B, C+J, and snatch and squat emom

1.    Metcon
"Liquid Cocaine"
5 RFT:
5 CJ, 155/105
10 C2B

10:21- C2B in sets of 5, cj were heavy and slightly awkward with my toe... ahhh, the damn toe!

2.  OTM x 12
Odd:  Power Snatch + Squat Snatch- worked up to 90#
Even: 4 Back Squats- worked up to 140#

Sunday, October 27, 2013

"Save the Girls" Barbells for Boobs at Summit

WOD 10/27/13

"Save the Girls"

3 Rounds with 1 minute at each movement for 5 movements. After each 5 minute round rest 1 minute for 3 rounds for correct form and Max Reps.

• Burpees
• Power Snatch (75/45)
• Box Jump (24/20)
• Thrusters (75/45)
• Chest to Bar Pull-ups

239 reps.  Felt good.  The toe cooperated!

Goodbye toenail- and Master's Triple Take

Didn't train yesterday because my toe was getting worse and worse... so I went to the foot doc and they took it off.  My toenail, that is. 

"Master's Triple Take"
10 Thrusters, 95/65
10 Pull ups
rest :30
10 Power Cleans, 95/65
10 Burpees
rest :30
10 Jerks, 95/65
10 Box Jumps, 20"

Post rounds + reps for each triplet.


165 total reps

Tabata something else- had to modify...

Workout was supposed to be 100 burpess for time, but tthat wasn't happenign with my gimpy toe... so I decided to make up Tabata this but had to do some subs:

1.  Metcon
"Tabata Something Else"
8 round of max reps in :20 with :10 rest of:
Pull up- still sore from 75 pull ups so did K2E instead
Push up- nope, did 75# bench press for 1st 2 rounds, then dropped to 55#
Sit up


Score is total reps completed.  Also post a total score for each movement.

2.   Strength
1RM Back Squat
180#, 15# off PR

3.  Snatch Skills
5 x 5 Squat Snatches, TnG, OTM at 60% 
completed with 70# 

10/22- Pullups/KBS/WB + Oly Pause Squats and the toe debacle.

So, at the end of the training session on Monday as I was clearing my bar- I slid a 10# plate off from the rack and didn't see the 2 1/2 # plate behind it- it crashed down and hit my right big toe.  Holy hell, I thought I had lost my toe.  Anyway, this is what it looked like the next day.  Needless to say, my training was affected.

1.  Metcon
5 RFT:
15 Pull ups
20 KBS, 53/35
25 Wall Balls

17:ish - 14# ball to 10' target, KBS unbroken, sets of 5 butterfly pull ups

10x2  Double KB Overhead Squats - if you have difficulty with this movement bring greater attention to your squat therapy.
9#x2 sets, 18x2, 22x2, 26x2, 30x2 - challenging for mobility but a useful practice

Monday, October 21, 2013

Heavy thrusters, running and some oly technique

For time:
21 Thrusters, 135/95
800m Run
15 Thrusters, 135/95
400m Run
9 Thrusters, 135/95
200m Run


2. Clean and Jerk
1 Squat Clean + 2 Jerks
Worked up to 125#

3.  Oly Pause Squats
7 x 2 High Bar Back Squat - 3 second pause at the bottom of each rep.

 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135

Sunday, October 20, 2013

"Lift up Luke"

4 Power Cleans, 155/105
24 Double unders
10 Pull ups
- Get after this one gang!  5 minutes of everything you got.  Leave the gym knowing that there was nothing you could have done to get one extra rep.

3 rounds+ 3 reps whew.

10 min AMRAP

9 Box Jumps, 30/24
12 Calories of Rowing- subbed 120ish meter run

7 rounds- Zach joined me, great workout. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

13.4, HHSC, and FS

Hadley decided to join me for training!  Yay!

1.  Metcon
OPEN 13.4
AMRAP 7 of:
3 CJ, 135/95
6 CJ, 135/95
9, 12, 15... continue up the ascending ladder as far as possible in 7 minutes.

Did singles so not to excessively ecc load my shoulders after the last few days... so I only got 50 reps- 10 less than the open.  

2.  Clean and Jerk Skills
High Hang Squat Clean with 3 second Pause + Jerk - work up to a moderate to heavy single.
Worked up to 125 (video of 120)

3.  Strength
3x3 Front Squat
125, 135, 145

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


1.  Metcon
5 RFT:
5 Muscle ups
10 Shoulder to Overhead, 165/115
Yikes, this was rough.  Rep breakdown as follows:

2.  Skills
OTM x 10: 
3-5 Overhead Pause Squats (hold the bottom for 3 full seconds) - This isn't about going heavy.  Its about improving the bottom position.

Used 65# x 3 reps for each set.  Shoulders were smoked after metcon.

Monday, October 14, 2013


For Time:
150 Burpee Pull ups
10 mile run
you may break these up however you'd like. 

I certainly didn't have time to do the entire workout (I only had 1.5 hours), so I scaled it to:

10 RFT:
15 burpee pull ups
1000m row

1:09:00- whew.  Burpee pull ups unbroken, kept row pace around 2:25.

Beer City BeatDown!

- Teams have 20 minutes, 2 bars and access to all the weights they need.
- Each member must log a 1RM Snatch and Clean/Jerk during this 20 min.
- Each team will be assigned 1 judge for their 20 min. session. Only 1 member at a time can be judged
for a 1RM (team members can warm up or set up weights on bar 2 while bar 1 is being used to attempt a
1RM, but we won't ask one judge to score two athletes simultaneously).
- Teams can use the 20 min however they would like. There is no rule about which lift the athletes have
to 1RM first. All that matters is that each athlete gets a successful lift on each movement within the 20
min period.
- Scores will be adjusted based on each athlete's weight and age, using the formulas detailed below.
Each final team score will be the cumulative snatch and clean/jerk formula-adjusted totals.
- Using the formulas also allows us to award individual male and female winners in the snatch, c&J and
overall "olympic total" categories, bringing a unique individual component to a team competition.
Athletes will be ranked based on their final adjusted totals and scored according to percentiles. Males will
be ranked against males, females against females. Each athlete will earn a score between 1 and 100,
based on their percentile rank.
The Formulas: Each athlete's final total number will be produced using the Sinclair Formula to account for
weight and Malone-Meltzer Coefficient to account for age. Click the Master's Weightlifting link below and
scroll to the bottom for access to both tables.
*For example, to determine a lifter's "formula" total one multiplies
his/her actual total by both the Sinclair coefficient and Malone-Meltzer coefficient.*
*From the Sinclair table (or formula) for a MALE: Body weight 93.7kg ->
coefficient 1.133649*
This means we'll be weighing you in and checking your photo id for birthdays at registration. It's a pain
and will add 5 min to your check-in, but will provide us a true "pound for pound" lifting event that's
adjusted for age.

Ended up taking 7th overall in the Rx division for the Oly total with a snatch PR of 110# and C and Jerk PR of 145# at 37 years of age and I weighed in at 120 lbs. 
Our team total was 255.5

One team member at a time...teams can place athletes in any order they want. No teammate is allowed
to do more than one of the following sets.
5 Hand Release Pushups (Scaled can do 5 hand-release or 10 from knees)
5 Pistols (alternating legs) Scaled: 10 Air Squats
Row 1000m
10 Hand Release Pushups (Scaled: 10 HR or 20 from knees)
10 Pistols (alternating legs) Scaled: 20 Air Squats
Row 750m
20 HR Pushups (Scaled: 20 HR or 35 from knees)
20 Pistols (alternating legs) Scaled: 35 Air Squats
Row 500m
30 HR Pushups (Scaled: 30 HR or 50 from knees)
30 Pistols (alternating legs) Scaled: 50 Air Squats
Row 250m
Teams are responsible for setting the rower back to zero each time, as the judge will be scoring reps.
Teams are allowed to place their next rower on the machine to get set and customize their preferred
adjustments to the damper and binding while their other teammate is completing their movements.

This wasn't our best WOD primarily because the pistols were very assisted- thus leveling the playing field.  We finished in 11:58 (with 20s row deduction) for a 14th place finish.  Daniel went first, Sean next, I went third, and Nadia finished.

100 Thrusters (115/75 Rx, 80 reps @ 95/55 Scaled)
100 KB Swings (70/53 Rx, 80 reps @ 53/35 Scaled)
100 Box Jumps (30/24 Rx, 80 reps @ 24/20 Scaled...Step-Ups allowed for Scaled)
100 m Overhead Walking Lunge (Rx Holds 45/35# plates, Scaled 25/15)
1. There may be a short run/transition from the box jump station to the lunge station. This run could
include negotiating an obstacle or other shenanigans. may not be anything. We're not sure yet.
2. The lunges will be done in sand, using a beach volleyball court (Jeans and aviator shades are

We also didn't do well on this one, but we had a judging snafu on the DU as the judge forgot to count Nadia as she was going... anyway, we had some timing issues but moved steadily.  We didn't finish in the 15min time cap with 1 lunge left to go.

1/3 mile run by 2 team members (each carrying a 20# medball or sandbag)
After both finish run, then...
25 Overhead Squat (115/75 Rx, 75/35 Scaled) by 2 team members that didn't run (each team member
must complete 25 each, can't break them up, that's 50 total combined) then...
25 Overhead Squat by 2 that ran. Then...
80 Bar-Facing Burpees in 8 sets of 10, each athlete does a set of 10 in order until all 80 are complete
(each athlete will end up doing 2 sets of 10 total). (Scaled does normal burpees) Then...
25 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (115/75 Rx, 75/35 Scaled) by 2 team members that didn't run, then...
25 SDHP by 2 that ran. Then...
1/3 mile run by the 2 teammates that didn't run to start the WOD, each carrying a 20# medball or
- One group of two can't start until BOTH members of the other two complete their task (for example,
teammates A and B must finish all 25 of their overhead squats before teammates C and D can start
- The run is one lap around the paved speedway track. There are no obstacles or tomfoolery planned for
the run (as of yet). There is a very slight angle on the track (see location pics on the July 16 posting for a
better idea of the track). 

We actually did relatively well on this one with a 7th place finish in 13:10.  

All in all we placed 10th out of 25 Rx'd teams.  I was a super fun day with a great team!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Technique work and a NFT metcon

The Beer City Beatdown is on Saturday so I spent ~45 minutes working on Snatch and C&J technique.  I used 65# for snatch and drilled some positions.  Used 85# for C&J and did the same.



25 DU
10 GHD
20' HS walk
10 HE

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The 30s

1.  Metcon
For time:
30 Thrusters, 115/80
30 Pull ups
30 Power Cleans, 115/80
30 Burpees
30 Jerks, 115/80
30 BJ, 24/20" - games standards.

2.  Snatch Skills
5 x 5 Squat Snatches, TnG, OTM at 60% - 65#

3.  Strength
7x4 Back Squats, across

21-15-9 TTB, Box Jump, DL and Sotts Press

1.  Metcon
BJ, 24/20"games standards
Dead Lift, 225/155

8:49 Felt heavy and tired

2.  Skills
5 x 5 Sotts Press

Worked up to 35

Monday, October 7, 2013

"Nasty Girls" or the scaled version "Dirty Girls"

1.    Metcon
"Nasty Girls"
3 RFT:
50 Squats
7 Muscle ups- did C2B pull ups- no mu today
10 Hang Power Cleans, 135/95


2. . Snatch
10 x 1, OTM at 70-75%
Used 75#

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Saturday 7a Snatch and C&J

Arrived home last night and feeling tired today-

Worked on my snatch- worked up to 95# and it felt heavy today
Same deal with C&J- failed 125# jerk and called it


BS 3 x 5
105, 125, 145


Metcon (Time)
Complete 3 RFT:
10 Sumo DL High-pull (40-50% of today's BS 5RM NTE 115/75lbs)
8 Push-Press (same as SDHP)
6 T2B
400m MB/SB Carry 


Last day at the MouseTrap

Whew- it was a rough one for our last day:

500m row immediately followed by 50 box jumps at 24"


100m sprint
100m walking lunges
100m spring
100m burpee broad jumps
100 KBS 1.5pd


CrossFit Total

Press 1RM- 85# ties PR

Back Squat 1RM- 185#, 10# under PR

Deadlift 1 RM- 215, 10# under PR

Total = 485, up 47# from 438 in 11/19/2011- interesting chart here explaining it all 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

MouseTrap Bar MU and DU

13 min. AMRAP:

5 Bar MU
50 DU

5 rounds + 14 DU

Did 1st 2 rounds of Bar MU then ripped my hands- so switched to 15 pull ups each round
Did sets of 5 with pull ups

Didn't have my rope, so my DU weren't as smooth as usual