Sunday, September 30, 2012

5 RFT: DU, box jumps and rowing

Training at 9:30a

5 incremental rounds for time:
50 DU's
10 reps - NPUBBJ - 14"
Row 400 m
NOTES: incremental means eacah round SHOULD be higher effort and faster - time it!
(NPUBBJ = no push up burpee box jump; fromt standing, drop into FLR while kicking legs back, kick legs in, jump at top onto box and off, back down into FLR, repeat - no pauses required)

2:45 (2:13 row pace) DU UB
3:45 (2:19 row pace)
3:20 (2:23 row pace)
3:08 (2:22 row pace) DU UB
3:22 (2:15 row pace)
total time- 16:20
For me, the key was figuring out how to have enough left in the tank after the row to complete the DU's UB...

Sat. clean and jerk, pull ups and dips

Training at 10a

A. clean and jerk - 20 min tech work
(work on what you need most - volume at loads, TnG, set up and jerk position, foot position, etc...)


worked up to 120#
B1. Thruster TnG x 10; rest 60 sec - add per set - NO pauses!
65/75/80- didn't pause but it was painful
B2. Wtd Pronated Grip Chin Ups @ 21X0; 2-3 x 3; rest 3 min
BW x 3
C1. DB walking lunges - 10 tough steps total; rest 10 sec
C2. AMRAP Dips strict unweighted in 2 min; rest 1 min x 3
20/19/16- first two sets on rings until Becca pointed out they were bar dips- duh...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

LOOOONG Map- 3 x 15 min AMRAPs

Training at 11a

15 min @ 90% aer:
run 200 m
5 box jumps - 20"
5 burpees
5 toes to bar
6 rounds + 90m
(rest 5 min walking)

15 min @ 90% aer:
row 250 m
7 kbs - 1pd
10 lunges
10 DU's
6 rounds + 50m
(rest 5 min walking)

15 min @ 90% aer:
AD 20 cals
20 sec HS hold
5 chin ups
5 back ext's

4 rounds +6 cals

Felt very sluggish- like I was moving very slow- noticed it is hard for me to reach 90% aer on the AD- my legs fatigue first

Ready for a rest day!  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Lactic endurance sets

Training at 8a

5 sets:
AMRAP push ups
rest 0 sec
Row 400 m @ 95%
rest 3 min b/t sets

set 1 - 20/? (rower died)
set 2 - 15/ 1:42
set 3 - 15/1:38
set 4 - 15/ 1:40
set 5 - 13/ 1:42

5 sets:
KBS 6 tough reps
Run 200 m @ 95%
rest 3 min b/t sets

set 1 - 24kg/1:03
set 2 - 24kg/58s
set 3 - 28Kg/58s
set 4 - 28kg/55s
set 5 - 28kg/52s

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lots of pushing

Training at 7:30a

A. power clean x 1/push press x 5; rest 90 sec x 4 - 90% effort
85#x5, 95x5, 100x5, 105x1, 95x1- really focused on technique- I have a tendency to add a little jerk
B1. push press @ 12X1; 4-5 x 4; rest 20 sec
85#/85/85/90 x 5- felt solid
B2. mixed grip wtd chin ups @ 21X0; 2-3 x 4; rest 3 min
BW x 3 all sets- awkward grip for me- not as strong
for reps:
5 min strict unweighted chin ups
25- supinated grip
4 min strict push ups
38- sets of 5
3 min toes to bar
40- sets of 10
2 min double unders
1 min burpees

Sunday Partner WOD

Katie and I split this up- it was fun.  

Partner Workout
1200m run (divided any way as long as both complete 600m)
Then in the order/variation of your choice complete:
40 power cleans (~60-70% of a multi-rep max NTE 135/95)
60 pull-ups
80 DB thrusters (NTE 45/35lbs)
100 sit-ups
Once completed with the chipper do another 1200m run.
For time.
Post time & loads to comments.

Amber + Katie 25:55 20#DBs A-95#PC K-75#PC

Sunday, September 23, 2012

DL, Dips, and FS

Training at 7a

A1. clean grip DL @ 22X1; 2-3 x 3; rest 2 min
CGDL 175, 185, 195x2
A2. weighted dips @ 20X1; 2-3 x 3; rest 2 min
Dips 15x3, 18x2, 20x2
B1. front squat @ 30X1; 3-4 x 3; rest 2 min
FS 115, 125, 130x2
B2. weighted chin ups @ 21X0; 2-3 x 3; rest 2 min
5#x3, 10#x2, 15x2
C. 100 walking lunges for time

100 wl 2:37

Thursday, September 20, 2012

30 min. row and triple jump practice

training at 11a

A. standing triple jump practice - no max efforts - 10 min
Consistently got about 20'
B. reverse throw practice - 8# shot - no maxes - 10 min
didn't measure distance because I used a 10# slammer ball
30 min row @ easy pace - faster pace last 10 sec of every minute
~6000m rowed, back started to get tight toward the end

training at 4:30p

Snatch practice
worked on catching cleanly in a squat- kept it light 80# (tried out Shanna's new lifting belt- couldn't really tell a difference except my tummy was sweaty!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Supposed to hike today...

for 2 hours- yeah, not going to happen... so I did the conditioning class instead:

Training at 8a

Workout (33 minutes)
3 rounds of: 2 minutes on, 30s to rotate. 1 minute rest b/w rounds.

Station 1: Tire drag/pull switch every 30m with 25# DB
30s rest & rotate
Station 2: Row
30s rest & rotate
Station 3: Mountain climbers x 10, Slammers x 5
30s rest & rotate
Station 4: 2 minutes on Airdyne

1 minutes rest until back to top.  

This was more challenging than I expected, but fun nonetheless! I didn't track my reps/m/ etc. because I wanted to focusing on moving through rather than accruing more reps. Onward.

Sept 18- Technique work and 80# med ball

A. 10 min tech work - CTB chin ups
worked on CTB with a pronated grip- finally got some!
B. 10 min tech work - HSPU (E-ROM, paralette, kipping....)
Worked on strict and E-range of motion
C. 10 min tech work - row sprints - max 100 m/set - few solid push ups b/t sets
Did 5 100m sprints followed by 6 strict pushups between each set


5 min AMRAP:
80# med ball clean and carry ~20m (down gym floor)
12 rounds

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday!! Super chipper!

Training 9:30 am

for time:
100 walking lunges
90 ghd sit ups
80 double unders
70 back extensions
60 double unders
50 burpees
40 cals rowed
30 cals AD
20 chin ups
10 dips

27:07- Whew, fun but challenging- GHD's were the hardest part- quads were burning

Saturday, 9/15- DL, Pwr clean and BP

Training at 7a

A. clean grip DL @ 03X0; 6 sets of 2; rest 2 min - building sets
DL 165#, 175, 180, 190, 195
B. power clean - build to a tough double - rest as needed
C1. power clean - 1,1,1,1,1; rest 2 min
PC 105 all sets
C2. bench press - 1,1,1,1,1; rest 2 min
BP 95 all sets (mis read C1 and C2- did as clusters with 10s rest)
D. TGU - 50 for time - 1.25 pd - 25 alt'ing 
TGU ran out of time- had to coach

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Row sprints and 10 AMRAP

Some of you are probably wondering why I have quit posting my sleep and food- two reasons:  One, I realized that I generally get plenty of sleep every night (8-9 hours) so no real need to track; and two, it's  a lot of pressure and a bit of a chore to constantly post everything I put in my mouth... so that being said, I'm going to take a break for a bit.  My eating is essentially as it was prior to the Whole 30- ~12 zone blocks per day including some popcorn and AZIC (or the occasional chocolate lounge truffle) on a regular basis... not so exciting either:)  I will continue to post my body comp scores each month and any other pertinent training/ lifestyle information!  Enjoy!

Also, if any of you have any questions or want to see something different here re: my training or nutrition/ sleep- please either comment or send me an email at I will do my best to accommodate!

Training at 7:30a

Row 350 m @ 95%
rest 3 min x 3
1:23, 1:21, 1:27

(REST 5 min)

10 min @ 90%:
10 wall balls 
10 toes to bar
25 double unders
6 rounds + 10 WB + 2 T2B

(REST 8 min)

Row 350 m @ 95%
rest 3 min x 3
1:24, 1:23, 1:36- critical drop off, had nothing left

Finally figuring out how to not pace everything and just go for it- also, WB's are certainly easier I assume due to increase in UB strength (14# to 10' target)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lots of snatching

Training 9a

A. Snatch Pulls @ 120% max snatch; 3 x 3; rest 90 sec
Snatch Pulls: 110#
B. Power Snatch - 5 sets of 3 @ 70% effort; rest 1 min b/t sets
Pwr Snatch 65#, 75, 80, 85, 90- felt solid
C. HB 1 1/4 Back Squat @ 30X0; 5-7 x 5; rest 3 min
HB 1 1/4 BS: 105#, 115, 120, 125, 130x4- challenging to say the least
D. Muscle Snatch @ 12X1; 5 x 5; rest 90 sec b/t sets

Muscle Snatch: 35, 45, 55, 60, 65

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Push, pull, and dip

Training at 4p

A1. standing press @ 12X2; 8,8,6,6,4; rest 90 sec
55#, 60, 65, 70x5, 75x3
A2. medium grip pronated chin ups @ 22X0; 2-3 x 5; rest 90 sec
bwx3, bwx3, bwx3, bw+5#x1, bwx3
B1. strict dips on bar @ 2010; amrap (-1) x 7; rest 45 sec
5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3
B2. knees to elbows x 10 reps; rest 45 sec x 7
10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 UB
C. gh raises @ 20X0; 10-15 x 3; rest 90 sec

bwx15, 10#x15, 15#x15

Monday, September 10, 2012

Thrusters and Pullups

Training at 10am

Thruster: 15 minutes to build to a tough triple.
105x1- don't know what SHE has in store for tomorrow so didn't want too push to hard in strength 

AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
7 thrusters (55lbs)
4 pull-ups
10 rounds  + 6 thrusters= 116 reps

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday recovery run

Sleep:  10:30-7a
Food:  7a coffee, 9a breakfast of eggs, liverwurst, and pepperoni, sautéed greens and zucchini, sautéed apples, and mixed nuts (3 blocks), post run protein shake (2 blocks), dinner at 6p of delicious paleo chicken soup made for us by Shaye and Don- super delicious, and paleo fried green tomatoes , green beans, and some leftover greens from breakfast (3 blocks), AZIC with a paleo chocolate chip cookie (2 blocks), popcorn and deli turkey before bed (2 blocks)= ~12 blocks

2 mile recovery run- felt good.

Power clean heavy single and 90% for 8min.

Can't remember sleep and food :(

Training at 7a

8 min to max single power clean

2 minutes rest to change weights

AMRAP pwr clean in 8 min @ 90%
31 reps

Rest 10-20 minutes then

Row 250
4RFT 5KBS 5 burpees (KB NTE 2/1.5 pd) 
Row 250 

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Sleep:  10-8, Stele was up for about two hours during the night so sleep wasn't great
Food:  8a black coffee, post training protein shake, lunch at GreenLife of mixed green salad with mixed veggies, olives, balsamic vinegar, roasted veggies, steamed cod, and kale chips, mid afternoon snack of left over gf steak w/ 1/2 sweet potato and handful of nuts, dinner of greek salad without cheese with lamb, and two pickles, late night snack of popcorn and AZIC.

Training at 10a

10 min @ 90% aer:
15 double unders
10 toes to bar
10 goblet squat - 1.5 pd
5+10+5, everything felt heavy and slow
(REST walk 5 min)
10 min @ 90% aer:
row 150 m
10 burpees
10 box jumps - 20" - step down
4 rounds + 150m
(REST walk 5 min)
10 min @ 90% aer:
run 100 m shuttle - 50 m over and back
10 kbs - 1.25 pd
10 hand release push ups
4 rounds + 120 m (did 120m as 4x 30m)

Felt very sluggish and slow today- still feeling residual soreness from Murph. Ready for a rest day.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

HBBS 1RM, 85% test and row sprints

Sleep:  10p-5:30a (dogs were restless)
Food:  7a coffee with cream, apple mid morning and mini luna bar, lunch at greenlife of mixed green salad with mixed veggies, olives, balsamic vinegar, and roasted chicken (with skin removed), and kale chips, post training protein shake, dinner of gf steak with 1/2 sweet potato, mixed green salad with olives, shredded coconut, and balsamic vinegar, popcorn w/ coconut oil and deli turkey for snack

Training at 3pm

A. HB Back Squat - build to a max
Hbbs 165#,10# off PR and just below parallel- definitely feeling Murph still

rest 10min
B. take 85% of part A and perform amrap with 30X1 tempo - 1 attempt
4 reps @140#

rest 10 min
C. Row 250 m @ 100% effort; rest 4 min x 6 - score as total time for 1500 m
Total time for row sprints - 5:26
Set times 
1- :53.1
2- :52.9
3- :53.3
4- :56.7
5- :54.3
6- :55.7

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Rest Day and Katie's 35th Birthday!

Sleep:  10p-7a- arm felt fine with brace, however I was very sore in the night and awoke several times because of that, ugh...
Food:  7a coffee with cream, lunch~1p at Zoe's was greek salad without cheese with salmon and shrimp, and small bowl of fruit, protein smoothie ~4p, dinner at La Caretta was seafood fajitas with guacamole, shredded lettuce, and mixed veggies, ~1/4 cup strawberry yogurt at YoLo with Jack's nut butter- not too bad, popcorn and HB egg before bed

Rest day today- ready for tomorrow!

Monday, September 3, 2012


Sleep:  10p-7a soundly, no pain with brace
Food:  coffee w/ cream 8a (had maybe 3 sips before Shanna took it :), post training protein shake, lunch ~noon of mixed green salad with fried eggs, EVOO and balsamic homemade dressing, 1/2 sweet potato with coconut butter, snack ~2p of berry smoothie from EarthFare (hemp protein, mixed berries, almond butter and a touch of apple juice, and HB egg, small apple, and some cashews, dinner at Tupelo Honey on the South side- very underwhelmed, had a mixed green salad special with grilled peaches, sunflower seeds, blueberry balsamic dressing, grilled chicken, and sautéed greens, AZIC before bed... and left over salmon and the other 1/2 of a sweet potato- damn I was hungry today :)

Training at 8am


1 mile run
In any order complete:
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 squats
1 mile run
for time.

39:59- I split it up and did 20 rounds of Cindy- my goal was sub 40!  It was a mental battle ~ round 14... whew, glad it's over, ready for a rest day tomorrow!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

SHE from Saturday- DL, BP, and GHD

Sleep:  10p-7a- no pain with brace
Food:  9a protein smoothie, post training protein shake, lunch ~2p of mixed green salad with fried eggs, evoo, balsamic vinegar, and mixed nuts, and popcorn, afternoon snack handful of carrot chips (dangerously addictive),  dinner downtown at Champa was small salad with ginger dressing, and salmon with stir fried veggies, evening snack of (more) popcorn and HB egg.

A. clean grip dead lift - 3,3,3; rest 3 min
185, 195, 200x1, 195x3 (video)

B. close grip bench press - 3,3,3; rest 2 min
75, 85, 90 all by 3
10-1 for time:
clean grip DL TnG - 65% 1RM (145#)
close grip bench press - 70% 1RM (70#)
ghd sit 

13:32 - The CGBP was my limiter- everything else UB, slow but UB

Saturday, September 1, 2012

MU and Clean PR

Went out last night for Katie's 35th birthday- thank you to everyone who came out- we had a blast!  We were out way too late and I had one VERY LARGE margarita!

James didn't post the workout for today until really late- so I decided to do the team WOD instead... I'll do today's SHE workout tomorrow (I think)

Training at 10a

AMRAP Muscle Ups x 2
1, 1, 1, 1
rest 2 minutes

Clean & jerk: Spend 15 minutes building to a heavy single.
130 C&J- lost 135# on the jerk (photos of 135#- no making fun of the hat)

 Check out this triple extension!

 Didn't catch it here, was standing up the front squat.

 Missed this jerk.

140# clean PR

Complete 3 rounds of:
10 Renegade row  (5/arm)
12 Dumbbell front squat
15 Dumbbell push-press
200m Farmer’s carry

16:50ish- without a doubt my grip was my limiter- good workout
30# DB for rd 1, then 25# for rounds 2 & 3

Use the same dumbbells for all portions of the workout.