Training at 9am
A. Back squat; build to a max
175#- 5# PR (video) my mom called and interrupted the video
B. Amrap back squats at 85% of A in 1 attempt @30x1 tempo
5 reps at 150#
C. Squat clean; build to a tough single
130# (10# off PR)
30 squat clean for time @70% 1rm
8:22 at 100#
Training at 5:30 PM
A. Hang power snatch: 12 minutes to build to a tough double
90# x 2
WOD: “Amber”
For time:
37 calories on the rower buy-in then…
5 rounds of:
5 Hang power snatch (Use ~70-80% of today’s best NTE 115/75lbs)
10 Burpee box jumps (NTE 24/20″)
12:11 with 75# HPS and 20" box
(PS. Next year it will be a 38 cal buy-in & I bet you’ll go faster. :)