Saturday, December 28, 2013

Saturday December 28


10 FS 65#
10 cals AD
10' HS walk
10 DBHP 35#
10 WB 14# to 9' target


Friday December 26- Angie


100 pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 air squats


Thursday December 26- Stephen


Fun hero wod.

RDL 65#


Monday, December 23, 2013

Finished the workout I was attempting when I broke my toe

She from 12/7

C1. Pendlay row; 7-9 x 3; rest 45 sec
75, 85, 85
C2. DB paused BP @22X1; 8-10 x 3; rest 2 min
Did BB bench press 65#, 75, 75
4 sets  - constantly varied, choose different order/set:
[15 S2OH (65#), 20 walking lunges, 10 CTB chin ups, 12 HSPU, 300m row]
rest 4 min b/t sets

I changed the WL to air squats- can't lunge yet

1st set as written- 4:30
2nd set was C2B, AS, S2OH, Row, HSPU- 4:00
3rd set was C2B, S2OH, Row, AS, HSPU- 4:35
4th set was C2B, S2OH, AS, HSPU, Row- 4:41

All unbroken.

Sunday Recovery WOD

Recovery WOD- moving and breathing

1 min row- maintained 2:00 to 2:05 pace
30s sit ups
30s box step ups- used 20" box
30s R plank
30s L plank
30s air squats

Sunday, December 22, 2013

BS and a broken toe.

This was the workout I was attempting…

A. BS @20X1; 3,2,1,3,2,1; rest 2-3 min (2nd wave more difficult)
I think my sets went like this:
145, 155, 165, 155, 165, 175

As I was unloading the bar, I dropped a 5# weight from the rack- straight on my left big toe, again but other foot.  This time I was so lucky Tom was there and he took me right to his office, took the toenail off and took x-rays.  I broke it in 3 places but nothing was displaced.  There was a very large laceration and the bone was visible thus requiring sutures.  So as I write this it has been 2 weeks and I have been able to be back in the gym doing bodyweight movements and UB strength training.  Onward.  

Photos for your viewing pleasure- 1 1/2 weeks

B.  8 sets – every 90 sec – C&J x 1 (build)
C1. Pendlay row; 7-9 x 3; rest 45 sec
C2. DB paused BP @22X1; 8-10 x 3; rest 2 min
4 sets  - constantly varied, choose different order/set:
[15 S2OH (65#), 20 walking lunges, 10 CTB chin ups, 12 HSPU, 300m row]
rest 4 min b/t sets
- BS – full range of motion
- Build heavy in C&J
- All 4 sets same times for aerobic work

Friday before the toe fiasco, again.

For time @90%:
Run 400m
30 alternating DB snatch (45#)
100 DUs
30 TTB
Run 400m

Don't remember time.

Row 30 sec @90%
Rest walk 30 sec
x 24

Whew- this was miserable, but I did it! 

- Aerobic warm up
- Minimal breaks b/t reps/sets
- Consistent output on row

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

FS, Snatch EMOM, and 6 min AMRAP


A. FS; 3,2,1; rest 2-3 min
125, 145, 155

B. Emom 8 min - Snatch x 1 (build)
65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100

C. Segmented snatch DL; 2-3 x 4; rest 2-3 min
115#,120, 120, 125

6 min amrap:
5 HPC (75#)
5 burpee box jumps over

7 rounds + 10
All movements UB- Shanna stood over me the whole time so that sure lit a fire under my butt :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Jerk + 1k, 50 pull ups and 50 HSPU

A. Build to a heavy jerk in 15 min
135- 10# under PR

For time:
Row 1k- 2:10ish pace
50 chin up- 2 sets of 10, rest 5's, all butterfly
50 HSPU- 4 sets of 10, then 2 sets of 5


Monday, December 2, 2013

Lots and Lots of squatting!!!

A. FS @20X1; 4,3,2,1; rest 2-3 min
125, 135, 145, 155
B. Emom 5 min – FS x 3 (85%)  Complete at 135#
C. 15 min:  
Min 1 – Clean (85#) x 10 (unbroken)- complete but really terrible. I did squat cleans (didn't say power so I assumed) and it really burned.
Min 2 – 35 DUs- tripped twice all in all took ~20s
Min 3 – 2 MU's- Although my MU are getting better, today is the first day I completed them without choking up on the false grip- this is huge for me!

I wasn't sure I would make it through this EMOM- really awful.


for time @90%:
500m row- 2:05-2:10 pace
30 burpees- UB
10 KB swing (1.5pd)- UB
20 burpees- UB
20 KB swing- UB
10 burpees- UB
30 KB swing- 3 sets of 10

Rough- 9:50

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Recovery EMOM

~700 m row warmup at 30s @ 50% and 30s at 85%


15 minute EMOM of:
2 power cleans- started at 95#, ended at 125#
6 high box jumps- started at 24", ended at 32"
10 GHD sit ups


Did some 60# MB clean and carries and some HS walks

Saturday, November 30, 2013

BS, Split jerk, and 4 Sets for time.

A. BS @20X1; 3,3,3,3,3; rest 3 min (85%)
all sets at 160#

B. Split jerk; 2,2,2,2,2; rest 2-3 min
85, 95, 115, 120, 125
Skipped the C's- time…
4 sets - constantly varied, choose different order/set:
[10 push press (80#), 12 chin ups, 3 MUps, 10 squat clean (80#), 10 BB step ups (80#)]

rest 4 min b/t sets

Used 83#
1st set was in the order written above- took too much time resting between MU- thus slowest time= 5:15
2nd set was MU, BBSU, PP, SC, PU= 4:35

3rd was SC, MU, PP, BBSU, PU= 4:45
4th was MU, SC, BSU, PP, PU= 4:39

No failures on the MU, pull ups were all butterfly UB, push press UB, and Squat cleans were quick singles.

My Birthday- Hero WOD Rankel

Jumped into the 9am class.
AMRAC in 12 minutes with 6-10:
RBSU (6-10/leg Rnd 1)/Pistol (Rnd 2+ as able 3-5/leg)- did pistols
OHS- 35# bar
Burpee Pull-up

Strength/Skill Development

Power Snatch ( Build to a tough double (Not TnG) in 10 minutes. )

Worked up to 100#- it was ugly


Rankel (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20-Minute AMRAP of:
6 Deadlifts, 225#/155#
7 Burpee Pull-ups
10 Kettlebell Swings, 70#/53#
200m Run

7 rounds in 20:10.

Turkey Day!

Felt a little ancy this morning so went for a run around Beaver Lake.  Ran ~3 miles at am 8:00 minute pace.  Felt good to be outside, but was challenging.

Ate a ton of turkey and goodies!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

FS, Snatch, lactate work

A. FS @20X1; 5,3,1,1,1; rest 2-3 min
A. 125, 135, 145 (video), 150, 155

B. 4 sets - Drop snatch + Snatch balance; rest 90 sec
B. 35, 45, 50, 55
C. 6 sets - Segmented snatch DL x 2 + Snatch; rest as needed (build heavy)
C. worked up to 90# (video at 85)

6 sets:
5 NPUBBJ (3 – 45# plates stacked)
7 KB swings
20 sec max effort AD
rest walk 3:30
RPM= 76, 79, 76, 76, 81, 80

- DROM warm up
- Heavy weight on snatch grip deadlift, focus on weight transfer
- NPUBBJ high turnover, extension at the top of the jump not required
- Record RPMs for AD

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


For Time:
Row 1k- 2:15 pace
30 chin ups (done in sets of 5)
30 push press (95#)- sets of 5
50 KB swing (1.5pd)- sets of 10
30 HR push ups- sets of 10
30 CTB chin ups (done in sets of 3)
Row 1k- 2:16 pace

FS, EMOM, and more 95# lunges

A. FS @31X1; 3,3,3; rest 3 min
B. Build to a heavy complex – hang clean + clean + FS
C. Emom 14 min –
Odd – Tng PC & Jerk (85#) x 5
Even – 6 burpee box jump overs
for time:
10 BB lunges/leg (95#)
50 DUs
8 BB lunges/leg (95#)
40 DUs
6 BB lunges/leg (95#)
30 DUs
4 BB lunges/leg (95#)
20 DUs
2 BB lunges/leg (95#)
10 DUs
- FS – tall, upright torso tight upper thoracic
- complex Tng

A. 105, 125, 130
B. 125
C. Complete- each piece took ~20s
8:37- felt better than last week.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Did Saturday on Sunday- BS, PP and MAP

A. BS @30X1; 5,4,3,5,4,3; rest 2-3 min (2nd wave more difficult)
BS: 125, 135, 145, 130, 140, 150
B1.  Push press; 10,10,10; rest 30 sec (mod load, Tng)
PP: 75, 85, 90
B2. Chin up max effort attempt x 2; rest 2 min
Chinup Max Effort: Worked on butterfly kip 11, 15
3 rounds for time @80%:
400m row
7 Tng C&J (85#)
7 ring dips
3 rft: 11:17

 (rest walk 5 min)
10 min @ 85%:
10 cal AD
25m FC (heavy)
3 MUp
30 DUs
10 min amrap #1: 4 rounds- did 1 mu per round

 (rest walk 5 min)
10 min @ 90%:
Row 10 cal
5 DB snatch r
5 burpees
5 DB snatch l
10 min amrap #2: 4 rounds + 4 cal row (40# DB snatch)

- BS – full range of motion
- system warm for aerobic work
- True 90% pace during last piece
- Heavy weight on FC

Didn't feel like rowing!

So did this instead:

5 Rounds for Time:

10 burpee pull ups
10 box jumps 24"
10 K2E
10 air squats
100m run

can't remember the time exactly- 21ish

Friday, November 22, 2013

FS, Snatch work and 3 RFT

A. FS @31X1; 5,5,5; rest 2 min
B. 5 sets – muscle snatch + heaving snatch balance + snatch balance; rest 2-3 min
C. Emom 12 min – 
Odd - Power snatch + hang snatch + snatch - 1.1.1 (inc load per set)
Even - Segmented snatch DL @5131 x 3
3 rounds for time:
20 wall balls unbroken (16#)
10 single arm DB row r (tough)
20 DB step ups (95#)
10 single arm DB row r (tough)

- DROM warm up
- Heavy weight on snatch grip deadlift, focus on weight transfer 
- feet elevated on box for ring FLR
- lunges are total, not per leg

A. 115, 120, 125- butt still sore from walking lunges
B. 55, 60, 65, 70, 75
C. Emom 12 min –
Odd - 65, 70, 75, 80, 80, 85
Even - 105#
3 rounds for time:
20 wall balls unbroken (16#)
10 single arm DB row r (tough)- accidentally did single arm high pull w/ 25#
20 DB step ups (95#)- my butt couldn't have handled this even if I did read it correctly. Did 30# DB in each had step ups- grip was actually limiter, only used 12' box
10 single arm DB row r (tough)- same as above
Was really wiped out yesterday and took a much needed complete rest day today.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Run, Row, 50 CTB, Sled, and burpee broad jumps

For time:
Run 800m
100m sled drag (tough)
25 CTB chin ups
100m burpee road jump
25 CTB chin ups
100m reverse sled drag (tough)
Row 1k

sled + 110#
CTB in sets of 5
- Breathing focus on run and row
- Consistent sets on CTB, note breaks
- Heavy load on sled drag, grinder piece

FS, AD, BB lunges, and TTB

A. FS @20X1; 3,3,3,3; rest 2-3 min 
115, 125, 135, 140
B. 6 sets – every 2 min – clean x 2
105, 115, 125, 125, 130, 125
C. Emom 12 min:
Min 1 – 6 tng C&J (85#)~20s
Min 2 – 30 DUs~20s
Min 3 – Row 8 cal ~30s
for time:
50 Cal AD
50 BB lunges (95#)  sets of 10- very challenging, not sure I will be able to walk tomorrow...
50 TTB 10, 10, 5, 3, 2, 5, 4, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2

- FS - build to a heavy triple
- clean - inc load per set, tough last two doubles
- record sets on BB lunge and TTB

Everything felt heavy today

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Recovery WOD and yoga

Didn't have much time due to CPR training so quickly made up a wod:

5 RFT:
5 power cleans 85#
20 sit ups
10 box jumps 20"
100 m run


Did 1.5 hours of yoga with Mado at 4pm- much needed.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

BS and MAP

A. BS cluster; 3.3.3 x 3; rest 15 sec, rest 2 min
B. Russian step up; 8-10 x 3; rest 2 min (rest 30 sec b/t legs)
C. Emom 8 min – Press + Push Press x 3 (start at 50%, increase per min)
A. 115#, 135, 145
B. 25#/ hand, 20" box
C. 45#, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80
3 rounds for time @80%:
400m run
5 thruster (75#)
5 burpees
30 DU’s

(rest walk 5 min)
10 min @ 85%:
250m row
25m FC
5 box jumps (step down, 20”)
10 cal AD
3 rounds + 250 m (FC 50# per hand)

(rest walk 5 min)
10 min @ 90%:
Row 10 cal
3 Tng C&J
4 CTB chin ups
4 rounds + 10 cals (95# C&J, 35# db)

- BS – full range of motion
- warm up well, body temp up before starting aerobic work
- Get faster in pace in each piece of aerobic work
- Moderate weight on FC

I love to row??

Row 1k @80% Aer- Avg. 4:10 
Rest walk 2 min
Row 500m @90%- Avg. 2:05
Rest walk 2 min
Row 250m @80% Aer- Avg. 1:00
Rest walk 2 min
x 3
- Row accels warm up, practice fast starts into fluid stroke
- Consistent pace, good breathing

Friday, November 15, 2013

Recovery wod

Row 1000m then:

5 strict T2B
10 GHD
15 BE
10 box jumps 24"
20' HS walk
25 DU

Row 1000m 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Long and heavy

For time:
1k row
100m FC 
20 OHS 
Run 800m
30 DB bent rows 
100m FC
Row 1k

FC- 75# in each hand
OHS- 95#, 6, 5, 5, 4- very challenging
DB rows- 25# each hand

Snatching and a 1st pull breakthrough- thanks Zachypoo!

A. 5 sets – Muscle snatch; 3,3,3,3; rest 2 min
55#, 60, 60, 65
B. Drop snatch; 3,3,3; rest 90 sec
90#, 95, 100
C. Emom 12 min
Odd – Segmented Snatch DL @5131 (pause 1” off floor, knee, mid thigh) x 2
Even – Hang power snatch x 2 + Hang sntach x 1
Worked on the 1st pull- my weakest link in oly- really focused on weight transfer w/ 70#

3 sets:
12 front rack step ups (85-95#)
Amrap CGBP (70%)
12 front rack reverse lunge 
Max effort FLR on rings
Rest walk 2 min

Used 85# for FRSU and FRRL, Used 80# for CGBP, times for FLR w/ feet on 12" box were:
1:35, 1:03, 1:10

- DROM warm up
- Heavy weight on snatch grip deadlift, focus on weight transfer to front edge of the heel off the floor
- feet elevated on box for ring FLR
- lunges are total, not per leg

Monday, November 11, 2013

Back on SHE- hope it sticks


A. FS @20X1; 5,3,1,1,1; rest 2-3 min  
125, 135, 145, 155, 160 ties PR
B. Emom 8 min – HC x 2 (from blocks, bar at mid thigh, inc. load per set)
85, 95, 105, 105, 110, 115
C. For 6 sets – every 90 sec – 5 Tng squat clean (50%), 5 chin ups, 5 burpees 
39s, 37s, 34s, 34s, 35s, 34s- sc=75#, chins= butterfly UB
3 sets for times @85%:
400m run
10 S2OH (95#)
10 CTB chin ups
10 wall balls (16#)
rest walk 90 sec
4:35, 4:35, 4:25- UB except dropped the wb (accidentally) in rd. 2

- Use A as CNS warm up, not 1 RM
- HC – build to heavy
- same times all 3 sets, attempt unbroken on each movement

Friday, November 1, 2013

Zachy poo- thanks for the wod.

10 S2S (80#)
8 wall walks
50m farmer's carry (70#)
8 wall walks
10 S2S
5 heavy power cleans (115#)
for time.


FS 10 x 1

Thursday, October 31, 2013

MAP- I needed it!

500m row warm up


10 min. @ 80%
8 WB (14# to 10' target)
200m row
Rest 4-5 minutes

5 rounds- all UB

10 min at 80%
AD 10 cals
4 CTB pull ups
Rest 4-5 minutes

7 rounds UB @10:02

10 minutes at 80%
1 MU
10 Box jump/ step downs
10 push ups

6 rounds + 1 MU

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Warm up and some gymnastics

Rest day today but I went through the warm up and did several rounds of a gymnastics circuit..

GENERAL Warm up:
2 Rounds not for time of:
200m Run or Row
15 Hip Extensions
10 kipping Pull ups Rd. 1, then butterfly round 2
10 Push ups rd 1, then Ring Dips rd 2
10 Reverse Lunge Reach (alternating Samson Stretch)
10 PVC Pass Throughs
10 air squats
10 light OHS or Wall Facing Squats


20' HS walk
1 MU
10 cals AD

only hit MU in rd. 1- was rushed for time.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

20 min AMRAP+ squat therapy

20 min AMRAP

10 t2r
10 butterfly pull ups
10 wall balls (14# to 10')

7 rounds


10 OHS 45#
10 squat therapy

Monday, October 28, 2013

More C2B, C+J, and snatch and squat emom

1.    Metcon
"Liquid Cocaine"
5 RFT:
5 CJ, 155/105
10 C2B

10:21- C2B in sets of 5, cj were heavy and slightly awkward with my toe... ahhh, the damn toe!

2.  OTM x 12
Odd:  Power Snatch + Squat Snatch- worked up to 90#
Even: 4 Back Squats- worked up to 140#

Sunday, October 27, 2013

"Save the Girls" Barbells for Boobs at Summit

WOD 10/27/13

"Save the Girls"

3 Rounds with 1 minute at each movement for 5 movements. After each 5 minute round rest 1 minute for 3 rounds for correct form and Max Reps.

• Burpees
• Power Snatch (75/45)
• Box Jump (24/20)
• Thrusters (75/45)
• Chest to Bar Pull-ups

239 reps.  Felt good.  The toe cooperated!