Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lactate 3 sets

3 sets:Power Clean TnG x 8 unbrokenRun 400 m @ 90%rest 2 min95# 2:21, 100# 2:18, 105# (F on rep 6) 2:40



3 sets:
4 ring push ups
Row 400 m @ 90%
rest 2 min
2:05, 2:03, 2:09
5 sets:
15 back extensions
15 ghd sit ups
15 double unders
rest 30 sec
1:11, 1:09, 1:05, 1:07, 1:05

End of 6 week cycle

A. Testing- DL 1RM
Still holding at 205# (will test 2RM next week)
C1. Ring push ups 6, 4, 2, 6, 4, 2
2 ½#, 5, 10, 5, 15, 25
C2. NGHP- 6, 4, 2, 6, 4, 2
45#, 55, 65, 55, 65, 70
100 m 75# SB carry x 3
rest walk back 100 m

Came into this week's testing not thrilled... so really wasn't prepared mentally to test a 1RM- so my 1RM remained the same. This is not, however, a true test of my progress in that my multi rep maxes have increased, but more importantly, my exposure to the heavy dl is now no longer a long recovery situation I feel much better prepared in terms of strength endurance.

Also tested my caliper measurements today and have gained a bit of body fat during this cycle.. that is a positive thing, but the distribution is very interesting. My total midsection score increased by 5 points- the suprailliac score went from 6 to 8. This is associated with carbohydrate intake. And the subscap score went from 7 to 9.5. This is correlated with insulin sensitivity. So, my carbohydrate intake increased (in the form of increased consumption of protein shakes in the morning and increased fruit intake, not post wod) and I am more sensitive to it. I would also note that my training has become much more strength based in the past 6 weeks- so my carbohydrate intake needed to decrease and my protein intake increase. I increased the protein, but didn't decrease the carbs or at the very least, alter the type. I have now made the appropriate changes to my diet and will be interested to see the results.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Snatch lactate

Sunday- lactate
A. Power Snatch - 3,3,3,3,3; rest 5 min

65#, 70, 75, 80, 85

as many rounds in 20 min:
Power Snatch - 65# x 5
10 KBS - 1 pd
Push Press - 65# x 5
10 Box Jumps -24


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Strength and Team WOD

Saturday- Strength + Lactate
A1. WGBP 6, 6, 4, 4, 3, 2; rest 90 sec (start at 55#)
55x6, 60x6, 65x4, 70x4, 80x3, 85x2, 90x1
A2. Wtd Chin Ups 2 x 6; rest 3 min
5#x2, 10#x2, 15#x2, 20#x2, 25#x1, 25#x1
7am team WOD
10 rounds for time of:
4 Deadlift (155lbs)
10 Wall ball (14# to 10’)
Each partner competes 1 round while the other rests until EACH partner has completed 10 rounds.
Completed with Randy in 11:08

Thursday MAP

10 min @ 85% aer:  

5 toes to bar
10 lunges
3 bar dips
(rest walk 4 min)
~13 rounds
10 min @ 85% aer:  
5 push ups
20 double unders UB
~13 rounds
(rest walk 4 min)

10 min @ 85% aer:  
5 burpees
3 box jumps high - jump up, step down (24”)
1 rope climb (15’)
60 m run
~5 rounds

Not only did I not shoot video, I forgot to record my rounds... nice Amber...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

alactic Tuesday

5 sets @ 100%:
3 TNG Dead lift - moderate load (heavy but can pull fast)  (175#)
175#, 180#, 185#, 190#, 195#
Row 15 sec AFAP
93m, 96m, 96m, 94m, 96m- all with rollover
rest walk 3 min actively

5 sets @ 100%:
5 tough russian swings (70#)
5 box jumps fast 20”
15 double unders AFAP
rest 3 min
35s, 32s, 35s (tripped before began), 32s, 31s- all unbroken

Beginning of Deload

Week 5- Deload
Monday- Strength
A.  DL 8, 6, 4, 4, 2  (start at 135#)
135x8, 155x6, 175x4, 185x4, 195x2
B1. HSPU AMRAP strict then kipping to 5 x 4
4+1 kipping, 3+2, 1+4, 1+4, 2+3
B2. CTB Pull strict 5 x 5; rest 3 min
5, 5, 5, 5, 3+1+1 

C. 50# SBBSU to 16# box x 10/ leg x 3

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sat team WOD Max C&J

10 MIN MU practice- Nope- elbow flexors are angry
15 MIN to max c&j
115#- my old PR- wasn't all that pretty... but built up quickly
5 MIN rest
Emom for 10 MIN 1 c&j @ 90% today's max
105#- started to feel really heavy by the end :)

5 rft:
Du ub x 20
Walking lunge x 20

Heavy single DL and partial "Chief"

A. DL build to heavy single (NOT 1 RM)
195# solid
B1. DL TnG x 5 x 5 (90% of above)
B2. 1 Legless rope ascent (can use legs on way down) x 5
Done, albeit challenging- grip was limiter
rest 3 minutes
3 min AMRAP
3 power clean   (95#)
6 push ups
9 squats
1 min rest – 3 rnds
Rd. 1- 3 rds+ 3 PC
Rd. 2- 3 rds + 3 PC + 6 PU
Rd. 3- 4 rds.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Oly fun!

Cleans for fun :)
Snatch form practice
worked cleans up to 120#- felt solid, snatched to 80# and finally was able to stop swinging the bar so wide, that being said, my right elbow flexor is really sore after training session- I’m assuming it’s a combination of mu work this week and snatching today.

Wednesday MAP


10 min @ 80% constant movement:
1 MU's (or 1 ECC)
15 m HS walk
25 UB DU unders
(rest walk 5 min)
5 rounds- no muscle ups today- felt impossible!

10 min @ 80% constant movement:
KB Goblet Squat x 10 - 2pd/1.5 pd
10 GH Raises
5 high box jumps - 24"- step down
(rest walk 5 min)
6 rounds- goblet squats were harder than anticipated.

10 min @ 80% constant movement:
3 squat clean thrusters - 75#
7 GHD sit ups
run 30m x 2 with 50# SB
5 rounds- breathing with sandbag felt much better
5 rounds- this map was harder than I anticipated, feeling a little beat down today.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

alactic and lactic endurance

Food: 5am coffee with cream, deli turkey and handful of nuts, post wod refuel and protein shake, some plantain chips,

Sorry about the lack of posting about food and sleep- sleep has been consistent so I am no longer going to post- I get good sleep. That being said, my mid-afternoon napping has stopped- I'm just not tired anymore in the afternoon. I contribute some of this to better sleep quality and less stress- but mostly to the fact that upon starting this strength cycle (on week 4 now), I changed my diet considerably. I am eating a lot more protein and fat and I feel GREAT! With super heavy dead lifts several times/week I am craving protein and fat... clearly something my body needed.

lactic power
3 sets @ 100%:
4 TnG Power c&j
6 burpees AFAP
(rest 3 min b/t sets, same weight per set, faster per set)
Used 95# 
24s, 20s, 20s
lactic endurance
2 sets:
1 min AMRAP thrusters - 95/65#
16, 18 YUCK- broke first set into sets of 5, went 10 UB on second set, then 8
1 min AMRAP chin ups COVP
19, 23- felt good considering the volume of pull ups yesterday
rest 6 min b/t sets - high speed, high turnover is goal
for time:
Run 800 m

DL, HSPU and Pull ups

Monday- Strength
A. DL 8, 8, 4, 2, 2, 1- rest 3 min.
175x4 sumo- switched to regular due to grip limitations from KB snatches on Sat.  
175x8 clean grip, 180x8 mixed grip, 185x4 mixed grip, 190x2 mixed grip, 195x2 mixed grip, 205x1 mixed grip (old PR, maybe?)

B1. HSPU 5 strict x 5  
B2. 10 UB COVP chin ups x 4
10, 10, 10, 4+3, 7- last two rounds I had some weird nervy pain in my left arm
rest 3 min.

for time:
2 rounds
500m row- 2:05-2:10 pace
20 pushups sets of 5
30 false grip ring rows- tough Harder than I expected, had rings low and kept false grip throughout
40 situps fine

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Saturday- double day

A. Burgener warm up
B. 10 min snatch practice: build to tough triple TnG
Stopped at 80#- slow and ugly
C. "Isabel": 30 snatches for time NTE 95#
Used 75# and is was much harder than I anticipated.
D. DB Split squat @ 3011; 6-8 x 3.  Rest 60-90s b/w legs/sets
Did one set of 15#- then Jacob wanted a partner in the class wod so I did it with him.

In teams of 2 each person completes 7 rounds of the following:
8 DB/KB snatch (4/arm)
Used 35#
4 burpee box jumps (NTE 24/20")  
Used 20”
30m run x 2 (run out to 30m & back)
Sprints- felt good
Only one person working at a time.  When partner A returns from the run partner B may begin & partner A rests.  Continue in this fashion until both partners have completed 7 rounds.  
Took us 12:25

More bench pressing...

A1. Lying DB parallel grip chest press @ 32X0: 4.4 x 3; rest 90 sec
20#, 25#, 30# felt solid
A2. 1 arm bent over power row @ 30X0; 5-8/arm x 3; rest 90 sec
25#, 30#x7, 30#x7
B1. Bar Dips @ 22X0; amrap (-2) x 3; rest 1 min
5,5,4- much better- using pecs more
B2. Ecc MU Wtd. @ 31J1; 3 x 3; rest 1 min- add weight each round
5#, 10#, 10#- was challenging to control through full range at the bottom
Squat clean single EMOM for 10 minutes- increasing weight as you go.
85#, 90, 85, 100, 105, 110, 115 f, 115 f- called it- not smart after sq thrusters yesterday- still learning!

Heavy Thrusters


Complete 4 rounds of:
5 squat clean thrusters (95#)
200m run
for time.
Felt fine- thrusters were heavy but fast- 8:30

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Three 10 min. AMRAPs

amrap in 10 min @ 95%:
row 200 m
15 push ups
4+200m (should have scaled to 5-7 push ups- 15 was way too many

(rest walk 10 min)
amrap in 10 min @ 95%:
15 double unders
10 lunges
5 chin ups
8+15+8- felt easy

(rest walk 10 min)
amrap in 10 min @ 95%:
10 sit ups
10 wall balls
2 ring dips

6+10+8- felt good
(think high speed cruise effort, no grunts)

Probably was more 90% being the good pacer that I am...


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

alactic hip stuff- aka, CrossFit Sprinting!

Tuesday (5/8/12)- alactic TnG hip based (strength)
5 sets at 100%
3 TnG power snatch moderate (~75#)
25 DU
rest actively 4 min.
65# UB in 29s, 80# UB in 28s, 75# UB in 30s, 80# UB in 32s, 75# in 34s, tripped on 9th DU.  Went down in weight because I was swinging the bar wide- most likely due to trap fatigue from SDLHP yesterday.
5 sets @ 100%
10 GHD
10 BE
Row 15s AFAP
rest actively 4 minutes
? time 81m, ~1:20 86m, 1:10 84m, 1:12 86m, 1:03 86m

felt fatigue set in (mental?) on last two sets.

Double Day!

Monday (5/7/12)- Double day- Strength and Hero WOD

A. Deadlift 6, 4, 2, 6, 4, 2- rest as needed btwn rounds Why not Rx specific rest?  Not saying you need to, just curious- rest is 2-3 minutes as load increases, didn’t write in because it is just me so understood
175x6, 180x4, 185x2, 180x6, 185x4, 190x2- felt good, solid, all clean grip
B1.  WG Bench Press  8,6,4,4,2
65x8, 70x6, 75x4, 80x4, 85x2, 90x1
B2. WTD Chin ups 2-3 x 8 (strict)
10#x3, 15#x2, 18#x2, 12.5x2, 10x3, 10x3, 10x3, 10x3
C. FLR on rings: Accumulate 3 minutes
broke 3 times- core felt fatigued

Complete 6 rounds of:
Carry 50 pound sandbag 400 meters (rounds 1-3 50#, rounds 4-6 25#)
115 pound Push press, 12 reps (65#)
12 Box jumps, 24 inch box (20”)
95 pound Sumo deadlift high-pull, 12 reps (65#)
For time.

This was painful, super long time domain.  Completed the first three rounds with 50# sandbag but had real difficulty breathing- switched to 25# and felt MUCH easier.  All push presses unbroken.  SDHP felt heavy due to heavy deads this morning.  Box jumps were fine.