Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Last wod at CF Mousetrap- press, 800m run, 75 OHS, and 100 DU

Strict Press- worked up to 85#

800 m run (3:18)
75 OHS at 55#- 15 then sets of 10
100 DU- broke at 86 because guy behind me hit my rope


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cleans + SDLHP and ring push wod

Did the strength from being yesterday- then wod at Crossfit Mousetrap

A. Squat clean; 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1; rest 3 min
110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 140

All were power cleans until 125 since I did 35 135# back squats yesterday..Standing up the 140# FS was tough- failed on 1st attempt- hit the second.

15 SDLHP 65#
12 ring push-ups


Monday, January 28, 2013

DL Max and BS EMOM WOD at Crossfit Mousetrap

worked quickly to 225#, felt solid

Every 2 minutes for 14 minutes perform:

5 BS at 75% of 1RM= 135#
30 DU
5 Burpees

Felt great!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

DB push press, CTB and jump overs

A. Push press; build to a 3rm
B. 50 push press for time 155/95
15 min amrap:
1 CTB chin ups
1 box jumps (24/20)
2 CTB chin ups
2 box jumps
3 CTB chin ups
3 box jumps

At hotel gym so lots of modifications.

A. Only had dumbells- 40#/ hand x 3
B. Used 30# db- 5:00

12 rounds- all strict CTB, couldn't kip due to pull-up structure. Also did 20" jump overs- no boxes.

Friday, January 25, 2013

First Day at Mousetrap Crossfit in Orlando

Training at 5:30pm

A. Squat snatch; build to a max in 8 min
B. Drop to 80% of A and perform 1 rep on the 20 seconds for 15 reps
Did all reps at 75#-no misses
C. TnG power clean; build to a 5RM

Was working out in a tiny corner so didn't have super high expectations. Did the "class" wod in place of OPT conditioning- not enough space or equipment:


5 strict med ball weighted pull ups-14#
12 med ball cleans
200m OH med ball carry

Cash out- 75 plyo push ups (45# plate)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

MUs, "lil' Grace", 50 pwr snatches, and 3 min on AD

Training at 4pm

A. 10 sets of 3 unbroken muscle ups NOT for time
did 3 UB strict banded MU x 10
"lil Grace"
30 Clean & Jerks 95/65 (video w/ lots of appearances by Stele :)
1:58 did 13, 7, 10 

-Rest 5 min

50 power snatch for time 95/65
5:14, 10 then 5s

-Rest 10 min

3 min airdyne for max calories

49 cals

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

5RM Wtd chin up + 10RFT 10 T2B and 10 Box jumps

Training at 4p

A. Weighted chin up; build to a 5RM
BWT + 10#
10 rounds for time:
10 toes to bar
10 box jumps 24/20"

1st set of T2B UB, then 6 and 4 for the rest
One miss on Box Jumps- Not games standards- didn't stop at the top

Monday, January 21, 2013

BS w/ Chains, Snatch + 75 Pwr Snatch and 50 Burpees

Training at 3:30p

A. Back squat with chains 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
125#, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155 + 25# of chains
B. Squat snatch 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min
85, 90, 90- stopped here do to time, and my squat was disappearing
For time:
75 power snatch 75/55
50 burpees

Grinder- 8:21

Snatches in 5:21
Burpees in 3:00

Friday, January 18, 2013

Snatch work, Deficit DL, and Diane PR

Training at 10:30a

A. Hang power snatch; build to a 3rm from below the knee 
90# x 3
B. Deficit DL (2-3" platform) 2, 2, 2; rest 3 min
DL from deficit 185, 190, 195 all x2
Deadlift 275/155

1st sets of DLs UB, all HSPU UB- 5 min PR!  from 1 year ago.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Snatch Work, Class WOD, and Yoga!

Training at 5:30 p

15 minutes of snatch work- worked on hang- got up to 95 quickly and easily.

AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
8 Knees to elbows
6 DB Push-press (NTE 35/45lbs)
4 Pull-ups (Adv C2B)
2 Burpees

9+3, all movements UB- butterfly pull ups

Accumulate 90 seconds Tuck sit OR 3 minutes FLR on rings.  With each break complete 7-10 hip extensions.

L- sit- Completed in 4 sets- 25s, 20s, 25s, 20s

Then 60m of Yoga.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Press cluster, 50 RD for time, and Super Fran

Training at 7am

A. Strict press clusters; rest 15 seconds/rest 2 min
60#, 65, 70, 75, 80
B. Ring dips; 50 for time
5:54 10 UB then sets of 5
For time:
Thrusters 115/65#
CTB chin ups

8:59- ironically the same time of my first official "Fran" about a year and a half ago.
Thrusters UB, CTB in sets of 3 to begin, then sets of 5

Monday, January 14, 2013

Finally a lactate session I didn't hate!

Training at 3:30 p
A. Back squat with chains 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
BS with ~25# of chains  - 125#x4, 130x4, 135x4, 145x2, 150x2,  150x2 
B. Squat snatch from blocks (below knee) 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min
Squat Snatch off blocks below knee - 75, 80, 85- rushed a bit due to time constraints
7 rounds for time:
7 power clean 135/75
7 no push up burpee lateral hops over bar
4:50 all UB


Sunday was my first experience with yoga- with the exception of one pregnancy yoga class I took when I was 15 weeks pregnant- NOT THE SAME.  Anyway, it was taught by the beautiful and talented Angela Gerber and it was AMAZING!  I am looking forward to more.  The next class is Wednesday night at 6:30- join me.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Karen + 100 pull ups + 50 sit ups + 75 DU + 100 air squats... whew...

A. Split jerk 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min
B. Parallete hspu; 30 for time (if can't perform then, do eccentrics at a 5 second count and kick back to top)
For time:
100 wall balls
75 chin ups
50 wall balls
25 chin ups
50 sit ups
75 double unders
100 air squats

A. Split jerk- 95#, 105, 115, 115, 120, 125
B. Paralette HSPU- 5sec. ecc. to 6" paralettes
26:03- grinder- the pullups took me forever
100 WB- 25, 25, 25, 15, 10
75 pullups- BF in sets of 5
50 WB- sets of 10
25 pullups- kipping
50 sit ups UB
75 DU tripped twice
100 squats UB

Friday, January 11, 2013

Hang Power Clean PR, deficit DL,and lots of pistols

Training at 9am

A. Hang power clean; build to a 1rm- 135#- 10# PR

B. Deficit DL (2-3" platform) 3, 3, 3; rest 3 min- 170#, 180, 190 all by 3 from 3" deficit
For time:
30 hang power clean (73% of A for males, 78% of A for females)
50 pistols
2k row

16:18 with 105# HPC
HPC-sets of 5
Pistols- sets of 10

Row sucked,but other than that, a really good workout!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Snatch, MU, and little WOD

A. Squat/Power snatch tech work 15-20 min (all below 70% 1rm, let your body and technique dictate the loads used for session, high speed/perfect form is focus)
worked squat snatch at singles at 65#- worked on getting deep in the squat.  Felt good. 
B. On a 90 seconds countdown clock: Perform 7 burpees and amrap muscle ups in remaining time; rest 2 min x4 sets
Since my MU are unbelievable unpredictable, I did banded strict MU- 7, 4, 6, 2

4 rounds for time:
12 kb snatch (6/arm) 1.5/1 pood
48 double unders

Tripped on DU like crazy- KB snatches felt surprisingly good.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Press, HSPU, and more Butterfly Pull Ups

Training at 4pm

A. Strict press clusters; rest 20 seconds/rest 2:30
55#, 65, 70, 70, 75
B. HSPU; accumulate AMRAP sets of 3 unbroken in 8 min
27 sets= 81 reps-  no fails, all kipping

5 rounds for time:
12 OHS 95/55
6 toes to bar
12 DB thrusters 30/15#
6 chin ups


All movements UB with quick transitions- successfully butterflied all of the chin-ups- lost the kip MANY times but never dropped off the bar- much easier movement for me as grip is generally my chin up limiter- SO much faster- felt like a rock star today- was a nice feeling!

Had some video difficulties- it cut off and cut out much of the workout- however here is some of my (clearly still needs work- but getting there) butterfly pull ups.

Monday, January 7, 2013

BS, Snatch, and lactic misery

Training at 4p


A. Back squat with chains 6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2; rest 2 min
85#, 105 (video), 125, 130x3, 130x2, 135x2 with 40# of chains 

B. Squat snatch from high blocks 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min
85#, 90, 95- felt good- definitely seeing improvement here
All done @100%
3 min AMRAP:
10 no push up burpee box jumps 20
10 power clean and jerk 95/65
40 reps
Rest 10 min

3 min AMRAP:
10 deadlift 185/115
10 burpee lateral hop over bar
60 reps

Rest 10 min

3 min AMRAP:
15 hang power snatch from below knee 75/33 
15 box jumps 20"

70 reps

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Long ass WOD.

Training at 7am

A. Push press x5/Push jerk x3/Split jerk x1; rest 90 seconds x5 complexes
65, 75, 85, 95, 100 x 5, failed on 1st pj, then pj x 3, sj x 1
B. Strict press 10, 10, 10; rest 75 seconds
45, 55, 60x 9, 1
10 rounds for time:
10 hand release push ups
8 knees to elbow
6 box jumps 24/20
4 CTB chin ups
2 wall walks

18:40 whew.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Crazy clean/ snatch ladder!

Training at 10:30a
A. Power clean clusters 1.1.1x5; rest 10 seconds/rest 3 min
115, 115, 120, 115, 120
B. Deficit DL (2-3" platform) 5, 5, 5; rest 3 min
145, 165, 175
12 min amrap:
5 squat clean 165/125#
5 power clean 155/115#
10 squat clean 145/105#
10 power clean 135/95#
20 squat clean 115/85#
20 power snatch 105/75#
30 squat snatch 95/65#
30 power snatch 75/55#

I got a phone call in the middle of the video- so there are two parts... 

56 reps- really heavy for me, back was super fatigued.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Snatch, MU, and 100 K2E

Training at 8a

A. Squat snatch; 2 reps x14 sets @55-75% 1rm; rest 45 seconds bw sets
55, 60, 65, 70 x 11 sets - video at 70#

B. 12 muscle ups for time x4; rest 4 min
worked on muscle up transitions-


10 rounds for time:
2 power snatch @85% 1rm
10 knees to elbow

11:40 @80#- K2E in sets of 5 after first set UB- ripped my left hand.  Not cool.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

LOTS of pressing and got my first butterfly pull-up!

Training at noon

A. Strict press clusters 3.3.3x5; rest 20 seconds/rest 3 min
55, 60, 65, 70 all by 3.3.3, 70x 3.2.2
B. JM press 12-15x3; rest 2 min 
35#, 40, 45 all by 15
3 rounds for time: (video of Rd 1 and part of Rd 2)
20 thrusters 75/33
15 chin ups 
Row 500m

13:01- harder than I anticipated- the row sucked the life out of me.

However, I got my first butterfly pull up- just need to work on the rhythm.