Sunday, June 30, 2013

Yoga and gymnastics circuit

1 hr of yoga with the lovely Angela- I ALWAYS feel so much better when I practice yoga.  So, I am going to make this the beginning of my Sunday training going forward.

10a  gymnastics circuit:

4 rounds NFT

1-3 MU- hit 1 every time
10 GHD
10 GH raises
24' HS walk- could consistently get 18' UB, but not 24... 
5 KB windmills per hand- 30# KB

Week 3 of 5, Day 5 PR Day!!

A. Front Squat - 90%x1x5
B. Snatch - heavy single
105#  PR
C. Clean & Jerk - heavy single
140# PR, cleaned 145# PR, but missed the jerk
D. Snatch Pull - 100% of snatch x3x3

Hero Wod - Josh:
21 OHS (95/65)
42 Pull ups
15 OHS
30 Pull ups
18 Pull ups
9:30- ripped my hand on the set of 30 pull ups- all OHS UB, all pull ups butterfly

Friday, June 28, 2013

Week 3 of 5, Day 4

Training at 4pm

A. Power clean + Push Press -75% of PSx2(1+1), 80%x2(1+1)x4

90, 95
B. Snatch Push Press + Snatch Balance - 70% of snatch x 2+1, 75% x 2+1x2, 80%x2+1x2

70, 75, 80
C. Clean Pull- 95% of cleanx3x4


5 RFT:
5 Box jumps rebounding (22")
10 HSPUs
15 Wall Balls
20 DU


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Week 3 of 5, Day 3

Clean - 75%x3, 80%x2x4
105, 115

Jerk BTN - 75%x2, 80%x2x4
95,  100

Snatch Pull - 100% of snatch x3x4


Backsquat - 70%x2x5
140 (136.5)

Complete 5 sets of 10 K2E UB, rest 1 min
Completed UB


Sprint 100m @100%
rest 2 min

Completed with course with several turns- ~15s 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Week 3 of 5, Day 2 and the DB superset :)

A. Power Snatch + Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat - 70% of PSx2+2+1, 75%x2+2+1x2, 80%x2+2+1x2
70# (2+2+1), 75# (2 +2+1) x 2, 80#(2+2+1) x 2

B. Power Clean + Power Jerk - 75% x 2+1x2, 80% x 2+1x2
100 (2+1) x 2, 105 (2+1) x 2

C. Snatch Pull - 95%of Snatch x3x4
95# x 3 x 4
Complete for time:

20-15-10 reps of

DB Bench Press,
DB Bent row,
Burpee over DB

Used 25# DB's 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Week 3 of 5, Day 1

A. Front Squat - 85%x3x4
140# x 3 (math disfunction) then 130# x 3x 4
B. Snatch -75%x3, 80%x2x4
75#, 80#
C. Jerk (hold split 3 secs) - 75%x3, 80%x2x4
110 x 3 (another math disfunction), then 100 x 3 and 110 x 2 x 4
D. Clean Pull - 100% of cleanx3x4


AMRAP in 15 minutes:
Power clean x 5 (NTE 95/135lbs) U
sed 95#, UB
Toes to bar x 10  UB
Run 400m

5 Rounds + 12 reps

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Gymnastics Circuit and MU EMOM

1000m Row then:

5 Rounds NFT:

20 cals AD
10 GHD sit ups
10 GH Raises 
1 Bar MU
18' HS walk
10 pistols

All movements UB


15 minute EMOM
1 MU

Only had 1 MU F at minute 13- continued on and hit 15 MU in 16 minutes!  Also, all HS walks UB!  Great gymnastics day!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Week 2 of 5, Day 5 and C&J PR

Snatch - heavy single
100#- same as last week- f on reps 2 and 3 so shut it down.

Clean & Jerk - heavy single
135 PR- cleaned 140 twice- this is only the 2nd and 3rd time hitting 140 w/o struggling to stand up the squat- yay progress!!!

Clean Deadlift - 100% of clean x5, 105%x5x2
140, 150

Backsquat - 70%x2x5
140 (video)

500m row 2:10ish pace
12 BW DLs- 115# UB
21 Box jumps (20" M and F)  UB


Friday, June 21, 2013

Week 2 of 5, Day 4

A. Power Clean + Push Press - 75% of PPx2(2+1)x3, 80%x2(2+1)x2
90, 95
B. Snatch Push Press+Snatch Balance - 70% of snatch x3+1x3, 80%x3+1x2
70, 80
C. Clean Pull - 95% of clean x3x5
135, 140
3 RFT:
10 DB Push Press
20 DB Chainsaw rows
30 wall balls

9:50ish ? Can't remember, but will check the board tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Week 2 of 5, Day 3

A. Front Squat - 85%x2x5
B. Snatch - 75%x3x3, 80%x2x2

75#, 80#
C. Jerk (hold split 3 secs) - 75%x3x3, 80%x2x2

100#, 110#
D. Clean Pull - 95% of clean x3x2, 100x3x2

135#, 140
E. 4 sets of 15 UB T2B, rest 1 min
Done UB.

Add in conditioning class wod if you choose

2x 6 min. AMRAP in 40# wt. vest of:

10 squats
8 ring rows 
100 m run
Rest 1 minute between rounds

Rest 2 minutes


2x 6 min AMRAP of :
10 KB DL 65#
8 Burpee KB step over
100m SB carry (25#)
Rest 1 minute between rounds

Didn't record rounds, just moved through.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Week 2 of 5, Day 2

A. Power Snatch +Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat - 70% of PSx3+3+3, 75%x3+3+3x4
75 (video)

B. Power Clean + Power Jerk - 75% of PCx2(1+1)x4, 80%x2(1+1)x1

C. Snatch Pull - 95% of snatch x 3x2, 100%x3x3

4 RFT: 10 Pistols alter., 20 Push ups, 30 DUs


Pistols UB
Push ups sets of 10 and 5
DU- think I tripped once on round 3?  Not sure.

Week 2 of 5, Day 1

-Clean - 75%x3x3, 80%x2x2

-Jerk BTN (hold split for 3 sec)-75%x3x3, 80%x2x2
110 (video)

Backsquat - 70%x2x5

Snatch deadlift - 100%x5, 105%x5x2

Emom for 12 mins
5 HSPUs (parallette if able)
6 alt. DB Snatch
5 Ring dips- changed to ring push ups since we did ten million dips recently

Sunday, June 16, 2013

A little gymnastics

Didn't feel like I could sit on the AD for any length of time, so did this instead:

5 Rounds NOT for Time:

200m row
10 WL
10 wtd med ball sit ups- used 10# med ball and bounced it off the wall
1 bar MU- ended up doing non-false grip MU with a spotter, couldn't bear to 
10 pistols alternating- did in regular shoes- much harder because of ankle flexibility
10' HS walk- last round I got 24'


5 MU- feeling much more confident here

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Week 1 of 5, Day 5- Snatch PR

-Front Squat - 80%x3x5

-Snatch - heavy single
100# x 2- PR, felt solid

-Clean & Jerk - heavy single
130# C&J, cleaned 135# x 2 but failed the jerk each time

-Clean Deadlift - 100% of clean x5x3

Stopped there for today- felt tired and had been in the gym for 2.5 hours.  

Friday, June 14, 2013

Week 1 of 5, Day 4

A. Power Clean + Push Press - 75% (of PP)x2(2+1)x5
B. Snatch Push Press + Snatch Balance - 70% of snatch x3+1x5
C. Snatch Pull - 90% (of snatch)x3x5

5 RFT:
10 CTBs
10 Ring Dips
10 GHDs
20 DUs


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Week 1 of 5, Day 3

A. Clean - 75%x3x5 
105# (video)

B. Jerk BTN (hold split for 3 sec) - 75%x3x5
C. Backsquat - 70%x2x5
D. Clean Pull - 90% of clean x 3x2, 95%x3x3
125, 135


4 rounds of:
7 Hang power cleans (Use today’s best OHS or ~70% of a max NTE 155/105lbs)- Used 105#
12 K2E
200m shuttle run (turns every 50m)

8:31- all Unbroken

E. Accumulate 5 min FLRs
Felt it after the 12x4 K2E- did first set 2:00, then 30s

Beginning of FS oly program, Week 1 of 5- Day 1

June 10, 2013 - Monday

A. Snatch - 75%x3x5

2 sets at 70#, 3 sets at 75# (video)

B. Jerk - 75%x3x5

all sets at 100#
Front Squat - 75%x3x5

2 sets at 115#, 1 accidental set at 130
D. Snatch Deadlift - 100% of snatch x5x3 

all sets at 100 (video)


10 min EMOM: add weight as able
odd:3 wtd CTB pull ups
even:3 wtd dips

CTBs - 9#, 9#, 11.5, 11.5, 11.5 all x 3
Ring dips the same

Class wod:
10 min Amrap :
20 KBS 44#
15 Plank burpees
10 Box jump/step downs 24"

5 rounds

Week 1 of 5, Day 2

A. Power Snatch+Snatch Push Press+Overhead Squat - 70% (of PS)x3+3+3 x3, 75%x3+3+3+3 x2
3 sets at 70#, 2 at 75# (video)

B. Power Clean+Power Jerk - 70% (of PC)x2(1+1) x2, 75%x2(1+1) x3
2x90#, 3x100
C. Snatch Pull - 90% of Snatch x3x2, 95%x3x3
90x2, 95x3

5  RFT:
200m Row
10 KB clean + Push Press
12 mins with 30# KB

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Snatch box work + 2 10min AMRAPs

June 8

A. Snatch below knee 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 
55#, 65, 75, 85, 90- feeling much more confident here

10 min amrap @85%:
10 Thrusters 65#
10 pull ups
20 DUs

4 rounds + 10 thrusters- thrusters were the hardest here, did butterfly pullups w/ 2 sets of 10

rest 5 mins

10 min amrap@85%:
10 Hang Squat Snatch 55#
10 K2Es
200m run
Liked this much better- more in my wheelhouse- 6 rounds

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Snatch and BS + "Mini" DT

Training at 11am

B. Backsquat (20x1) 20x2, r3m
100# x 20 x 2- challenging
C1. Elbowing Row(3011) 6-8 reps x3, r30secs
20#, 25, 30 all x 8
C2. KB front rack walking lunges 20 steps alternating use weight that you can be UB x3, rest 1m
26# x 2, 22# x 1


"Mini" DT
5 RFT:
9 Deadlifts
6 Hang Power Cleans
3 Push Jerks (rx wmns - 105#)

This was again a math debaucle.  Initiallt the workout was going to be as listed above, but at the last minute we changed it to:

12 DL 
6 Push Jerks all at 105#

Anyway, my time was 8:25 but I think I only did 6 HPC on round 2 (because I was watching Becca and that's what she did).  I need to watch Becca's video to confirm.  Onward.

Active Recovery and gymnastics circuit

Training at 10am

AD at Z1 for 50 minutes- get off every 5 minutes and perform the following gymnastics circuit:

10' HS walk
2 / arm KB snatch (20-35#)
1 MU (did non false grip w/ spotter)
2/ leg pistols
10 ghd sit ups

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Row Repeats, Day 1

Training at 10am

Row 500m at 2:09 pace
Rest 2:30 x 4

Rest 6 minutes and repeat above.


Not too bad.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

PP, CGBP, Wtd pull ups and CTB + HSPU AMRAP

Training at 9:30a

A. Push press 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min
105, 110, 115
B. Bench press; build to a 3rm
C. Weighted supinated chin up clusters 3.3.3x3; rest 30 seconds/rest 3 min
10# x 3.3.3
15# x 3.3.2
15#x 3.3.3
12 min amrap:
6 CTB chin ups
6 hspu

13 Rounds

Monday, June 3, 2013

1.25 FS, Hang Squat Snatch, 10--> Pwr clean and Goblet squat

Training at 9am

A. 1 1/4 front squat 5x3; rest 2 min
95#, 100, 105, 110, 115 all by 3
B. Hang squat snatch below the knee; 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1; rest 3 min
Changed the rep scheme to 5x5- feel beat up today
55#, 60, 65, 70, 75 all by 5 TnG hang squat snatch
Power clean 135/95#
Goblet squat 2/1.5 pood

Ugh- this felt horrible and super heavy.  11:17.  Onward.