Friday, December 21, 2012

DL 3x3, Power Clean, and Squat Cleans

Food:  8a coffee with coconut milk, post training progenex more muscle, lunch at GreenLife was chicken with mixed green salad and mixed veggies, paleo cookie for dessert,  trail mix for early afternoon snack, balance bar ~5p, dinner at Mamacitas of local arugula salad with chicken and avacado, and mixed veggies, AZIC before bed with paleo sugar cookie before bed.

A. DL 3,3,3 - r 2min

165, 185, 190- called it here- felt fine but back is still quirky

B. Power clean 3, 2, 1- rest 2 min
115 x3, 120 x 2, 125 x 1

C. Squat clean off blocks- 2 reps x 10 sets- rest 45s- start mid thigh  all sets
70#, 70, 75, 75, 85, 85, 90, 95, 95, 100 (50-70% of 140#)


5 RFT:
5 power snatch (80% of 1rm) 
10 GHD 

5:34 used 75#- started off slow (as usual, really need to work on that) and did the first 2 rounds of snatches as singles honestly just out of laziness- last 3 rounds TnG UB snatches and GHDs.  I find it really hard to attack a training workout and it takes me several rounds to get warm- which is really unfortunate in a short WOD.  Onward.

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