Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Power cleans, front squats, burpees, and rowing

Sleep:  10p-7a- some numbness upon waking with brace
Food:  7:30a coffee w/ coconut milk- took me all morning to drink, post training protein shake with 1/2 banana- 11a couple slices of deli turkey and the other 1/2 banana, lunch at GreenLife (what's new) around 1p was mixed green and veggie salad, brussels sprouts, balsamic vinegar, salmon, and kale chips, protein smoothie ~4p with 1/3 banana, blueberries, cocoa powder, protein powder, seeds, and almond butter, dinner was greek salad w/o cheese, greek pickles, baba ganoush, and shaved lamb, 2 dates w/ pastrami and nuts for dessert

Training at 7:30a

6 sets @ high effort:
3 TnG Power Clean into 6 Front Squat into 9 burpees AFAP into Row 250 m
(REST walk 8 min actively b/t sets - try to add weight with perfect form per set - micro add)

1. 85# 2:10
2. 90# 2:03
3. 95# 2:00
4. 100# 2:15
5. 105# 2:17
6. 110# 2:20 (video)

Front squats slowed me down- as weight increased I had to breathe between reps.

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